Chapter 4

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(The continuation from the previous chapter.



Hoshino Yuuki's POV

The barbie doll hit Shintaro's head.

Those who saw it, including me, turned pale.






"S-Shintaro! Are you all right!?" I asked.

I mentally slapped myself. 'Of course he's not! AHOshino!'

Slowly, Shintaro straighten up on his seat, touching his head with his hands and staring at the group of children, except me, with a 'Who-threw-that-to-me?' look and with teary eyed.

"M-Miyuki-chan, you must apologize to Shintaro-kun!" Hajime-san scolded her but with a soft voice to not frighten her.

"G-Gomenasai!!" Miyuki-chan bowed to Shintaro apologetically. The caretaker began to walk to Shintaro's direction with a concerned look on his face. "That must be painful, isn't it? Let me check if—"

"No!" With a loud cry, Shintaro waved his right hand at Hajime-san as if he doesn't want him to come any closer to him while clinging to my right arm with Shintaro's free arm.


Blinking in confusion, Hajime-san took a step closer. Again, with a cry, the green haired child waved a hand, shaking his head.


When Hajime-san took another step forward, Shintaro's cry grew louder.

'Did this happened to my past life? I can't remember...yet again!'

All I can remember was that Shizuka-san told me that I caused a lot of problems to the caretaker and to the other kids ,too.

When Shintaro gazed at me, I immediately wiped his tears away. Gently, I caressed his head where the doll hit him. "There, there. Don't cry."

Then I chanted, it was childish but I gave it a try, "Pain, pain go away!"

Blushing from embarrassment, I looked at Shintaro. 'How's that? Did it work?'

Shintaro wrapped his arms around me, burying his face on my shoulder. I continued to caress his head. Shintaro finally stopped crying.

Patting my head, Hajime-san smiled and said, "You're such a good onee-chan, Yuuki-chan."

I grinned in reply, 'Right. I'll be a good onee-chan for Shintaro.'

Few minutes later, I witnessed Shintaro's...misfortunes.

He tripped several times. Bumped his head to a wall twice when he lost his balance. Books fell on him when he was trying to get the book he wanted from the bookshelf. One of the kids accidentally spilled the content of their bottled water at him. A male kid accidentally (or intentionally) hit Shintaro's head with a toy sword.

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