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In a boat, going to the direction to what appears an island. Someone tapping the shoulder of the actor the actor letting a hummed of acknowledge of the person's presence "We are almost there, are you sure you are willing to do this risky task?" the person said "After all they're remnants of despair we are talking about"

The actor crossing their arms as they looked at the person, seeing it was Kyoko. The former Ultimate Detective. "Kyoko, are you perhaps doubting my abilities of handling myself?" they questioned as they frowned "While. Yes, I do indeed well aware they are remnants of despair but you should know that they are my friends"

"Could you at least be cautious? What if they tried to hurt you?" Kyoko asked and Y/n couldn't help but rolled their eyes at the detective "I already made my decision and nothing you could stop me, if I simply died in the end while being at the program. I'll take full responsibility"

Now, they were at the island.Y/n, being the first one to step out of the boat now in a warehouse the actor looking around their surroundings seeing their friends inside asleep on their respective pods one being empty for the actor.

"L/n, we have to let you know that need to act like you don't know about anything, specifically about this program and the future foundation" Byakuya said Y/n giving him a nod "Why of course, could one of you kindly open the pod for me? We don't have much time after all " they said

Makoto opening the pod for the Actor, Y/n pleased and thanked the male, going inside the pod. Letting out a gasp in surprise by how cold it is on the inside, Kyoko giving sleeping pills. Y/n grabbing them and swallowed them,slowly getting sleepy as the last words they heard were "Make this program to be successful not only for us, but to them as well"

Y/n now in front of the gates of hope's peak academy "Your highness! Wait for me!" A voice shouted, looking around to find who it is, it was Nagito trying to rush to be at the actor's side

Y/n crossing their arms "Didn't I told you to stop calling me that? We are no longer kids... Nagito" they remind as Nagito couldn't help but chuckle "No one knows you more than I do, Y/n. Even it isn't expressed from your face, Even trash like me notices that you still like to get called as "your highness". " Nagito said as he smiles as Y/n just sigh at his words

"We should be going now, I do not want to be late after all." Y/n said as they grabbed Nagito's wrist and start dragging him with them to get inside of the academy.

Opening the door, to their surprised they are now in a classroom. A few people in the classroom either talking to one another or just doing something to entertain themselves

"Right, I have to show I do not know anyone of them besides Nagito" Y/n whispering to Nagito "I don't want to be anywhere around these imbeciles, so let's go somewhere far from them"

Nagito giving a small courtesy to the actor, as he lead himself and the actor somewhere far from the room from the others,Y/n leaning against the wall.

Minutes pass by more students appear,one certain student caught the Actor's eye. A brunette male with green olive eyes.

"That's strange a reserve course student here? not to mentioned it, it was Hajime. How dare he left Chiaki and I alone waiting for him to return, now he is here?" Y/n thought a sour look planted on their face, Nagito couldn't help but noticed how the h/c haired person expression at the brunette.

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