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Y/n until now who is on the bed, asleep. While Nagito had attempted to shake awake the actor, the actor slightly open their eyes "Oh good morning Ko..." Y/n mumbled

"Delighted morning to you as well your highness, normally you would be up at the time like this... You didn't have any good sleep last night?" He asks, concerned "I told you... You don't have to insist on me sleeping with you on the same be–"

Y/n pulled Nagito down on the bed, cuddling them by his waist. This made the luckster blush in deep red. "It's not your fault, okay?" Y/n said as they let out a yawn escape from their lips as they slowly get up

"Let me just get ready then we can go to the restaurant" Y/n states as Y/n grab a set of clothes and shower, once done Nagito whose arm wrapped against the actor's arm. Going together at the designated location, while they are on the way they noticed that one of the bridges is not guarded by the monobeast

"Hey...N/n look. There's no monobeast guarding it does it mean that we can enter It?." Nagito ponders as they let out a hum

"I think so...but we should meet there others first before we investigate the second island" Y/n suggests, dragging the lucky student. When they were at the restaurant the only ones aren't here are Fuyuhiko, Nekomaru, and Kazuichi

"Good morning everyone" Y/n greeted them

"A-ah Y/n do you think is a good idea for you staying beside him?" Mikan asks, pointing at Nagito. "W-what if he kills you next?!?"

"Don't worry that's not going to happen" Y/n reassured the nurse while Nagito grabbed food for himself and the actor, sitting on the chair waiting for them.

"How can you be so sure about that?..." Hajime asks "we are all worried about you, especially we know how you normally one of the people that is early but you arrived late this time"

"I know and my apologies for being tardy... I just have difficulties sleeping" Y/n mumbled "Plus I am sure because I am going to keep an eye on him for you all"

"Really? You sure?" Sonia asks worried this made Y/n sigh in frustration and nod

"Yes, I am sure... 100 percent sure" Y/n said with a sigh of irritation

"But we should let the more physical fit ones watch him, just in case he attacks!" Mahiru said

Y/n crossed their arms, resisting the urge to roll their eyes "I can handle myself pretty well. Just because I have a pretty face doesn't mean I am incapable of defending myself" Y/n said in full confidence "Do you want me to give an example to you all?"

This made Akane's eyes sparkle "AYO REALLY?!?" Akane said "Let me at em!" as she tried to pin the actor down but the actor grabbed her wrist and throw the gymnast outside of the restaurant.

This made everyone shock while Nagito is just cheering and clapping his hands to support the actor.

"You can't just go and attack me like that all of the sudden!" Y/n reprimanded "That is so unethical!"

"Hehe sorry!" Akane said with a huge grin on her face "I just never expect someone who has a pretty face to be able to put up a fight. Now that makes me even more pumped up! You!let's spar pretty face!"

"No" Y/n immediately answered "I am just trying to prove my point that I can defend myself, if I ever put my hands on Nagito I bet his whole body will crack"

"Kyahahaha I want to see that big sib go do it!" Hiyoko cheered "you are so cool , how about we hang out when you have the time?" She requested

Y/n gave Hiyoko a soft smile "Of course I will Hiyoko" Y/n accepted the offer as Y/n went to the place where Nagito was and the duo started eating.

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