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The actor felt shivers from their spine standing up calling for everyone's attending "Everyone, I found where Togami could have been" Y/n said as Hajime spoke "Wh-where is he...?" he asks Y/n pointed at the direction of the table "Over there..."

Everyone was shock at the discovery of their former friend and leader now dead under the table "Wh-Why is Byakuya...?" Sonia managed to uttered out as Nekomaru yelled out "WHAT IS THIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSS!?!?"

Kazuichi putting his hands in his beanie, tears in his eye "Th-This... It's impossible...!" the male stammered out "Don't mess with me! This must be some kind of mistake!"

"This...can't be real blood, right? It's gotta be something like jam or sauce... C-C-Cause...if not, th-this..." Ibuki said as Y/n crossing their arms "Be in denial all you want everyone but that doesn't change anything that someone among us killed Togami"

"Our fairest of them all is right, you know?" Monokuma said appearing "But Good gracious... Things quickly took a turn for the worse...My my, now this is interesting—On this tropical island known as Jabberwock Island, the very first murder has finally taken place!"

The bear cheered while he let out a sinister laugh "Look, he has such a horrible expression on his face, don'tcha think...? A face filled with regret that his life was ended by force, all thanks to someone else's selfish desires... To have a dying face such as this...If this isn't murder, then what the heck could it be?" he asks

"So Togami is the one who was sacrificed by someone's selfish desire to leave this island, how foolish of them" Y/n said as they cross their arms

" L-Lies..." Hajime muttered "It's all lies! You're lying that he was murdered!' he exclaimed

"Jackfruit, if this was all a lie then why would there be a smell of dreadfulness, despair, and blood in the atmosphere?" Y/n retorted "Whatever that bear says, we must always take with caution and serious because this is our reality now"

" this!?" Peko entering the dinning Hall with Chiaki " I-Is that...really Byakuya?"

The bear looking around his surroundings, noticing that a certain yakuza isn't present "I see, I see... It appears Fuyuhiko is the only one who isn't here..." he said "Sooo, in the spirit of keeping everyone on the same page, how about we do this the usual way!?"


A body has been discovered! Now then, after a certain amount of time has passed, the class trial will begin!


"Class...trial...?" Hajime mumbled while Monokuma was announcing his announcement, Monokuma remarking that he had already explained what they had to do, Hajime who was knowing disbelief that this was happening "Y-You're telling figure out who the killer is...?"

" That's right!" Monokuma confirmed "From this point on, you guys must investigate and uncover the blackened culprit!"

"It can't be... Someone actually killed... There's no way!" Mahiru exclaimed, who had a distraught expression on her face

"Puhuhu" Monkuma letting out a chuckle "if you make an outburst like that, you'll end up being a suspect..."

"I-I won't believe it... One of us killed Byakuya... There's no way...something as hopeless as that would ever happen!" Nagito said as Y/n went closer to him, whispering to him "You and I talk before the class trail starts"

Y/n slightly glaring at the Albino while he just smiled at the actor

"If you're actually thinking that way, it means you guys are already being conned by the killer." Monokuma stated then Monomi appeared out of no where, wishing she had her wand in order to put Monokuma to stop his actions then Momokuma punching her after that Monokuma wished everyone good luck

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