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Since Vil's birthday is on April 9 and Y/n is based on him. Soooo.... I am writing this for that reason (in my own way ofc)

this is after the class trial 1 :>>

also a loooot of pov changing and some ooc??😭😭

So... Nagito x Y/n???




There was a knock on Hajime's door, the male let out a grunt in annoyance — annoyed that who was disturbing him this late at night.

Hajime ignored the knock, focusing on falling asleep once again. In hopes that person gave in and left, but the person kept on knocking and knocking until it annoyed the brunette.

Hajime who stand up, walking towards his way towards the door. Opening it, about to shout how much this person is a disturbance to his sleep. He was surprised that it was Nagito, Hajime felt little uneasy around him every since he shown his true colors.

"Ah it's good to see you Hajime" Nagito greeted as he smiles "I am glad that you eventually open the door for me."

Hajime let out a sigh "What do you want now Nagito?" the brunette asked "Don't you know how late it is already?! If you want me to kill someone for the sake of hope I won't do it!"

"Hm? what do you mean killing someone?" Nagito repeated "No,no. I am not planning such schemes but once there is another motive, I'll make sure I want to be used as a stepping stones for the ultimates!" he said in a cheery yet raspy voice

"If you are going to keep wasting my time you better leave" Hajime said, slowly losing his patience with the albino

Nagito let out a chuckle "Even a scumbag like me is aware that I am not wasting your time, in fact you should help me do something for our highness!" he said as he crosses his arms "You see... It's Y/n's birthday tomorrow and I want to do something simple yet memorable for their birthday"

"E-eh? it's Y/n's birthday...?" Hajime mumbled " are they able to celebrate properly when we are in this dreaded situation and not only that you are one of the reasons why it started in the first place" Hajime pointed out

"Me? While I am a piece of trash, we all know that Monokuma is the one that started it" Nagito retorted "While I tried to make all our lovely ultimates shine their hopes by working together on which hope is stronger!"

Hajime just let out a sigh "What do you want me to do anyway for Y/n...?" Hajime asked Nagito

"I need you to set up a place that is good for a tea party" Nagito informed "While I distract my highness until you are finished, you can also invite others too!"

"...why can't you just do everything?" Hajime asks "It seems simple enough "

Nagito let out a soft sigh "Well you see... my highness is very difficult to convince especially in this situation we are all in...If I did convinced them, I have to help them all pamper up to be able to shine as the fairest of them all." he explained " I just... want N/n a good birthday even situations like this. It's fine if you are not accepting this because of a scumbag like me is requesting you but at least accept it for them"

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