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A/N: The photo on the top is how your room looks like, but you can change the colors.


The actor spend their free time with Sonia and Hiyoko, now they are at their cabin, deciding since its a special occasion Y/n decided to dress up for it and it's still wasn't near the night time announcement yet.


[A/n:I found it on Pinterest and doesn't tell the artist is if you do tell me :D]

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[A/n:I found it on Pinterest and doesn't tell the artist is if you do tell me :D]


Y/n letting out a pleased hummed with their outfit, looking at their pocket watch. It's aroumd 9:30 PM. Y/n decided to left their cabin, going to the old building Byakuya being there already which they expected.

Y/n crossing their arms as they approach the male "Hello Togami, I know I am 30 minutes early but being tardy would be an bad image of me as an actor" they said as Byakuya nodded "I expect that you would come early then others, Y/n I do have to say you really surpass my expectations" he said as he gave the actor a smirk, Y/n raising their brow in curiosity "Ara... you have expectations of me? Do tell what they are" they asked

"Well out of everyone you know how to stay calm during these situations and would volunteer on helping others whenever you are bother to do so" Byakuya said "I would let to get to know you not as an actor but as a person, Y/n."

Y/n smiled as they gave Byakuya a curtsy "Thank you for all the kind words, I am just expected to act etiquette around others that is all" they said "But may I go inside now?" they asked Byakuya

"No, I want you to raise your arms" Byakuya said Y/n was about to protest but Y/n suddenly remember about Nagito's plan "Are you doing a body check, I assume?" they questioned "Because you do not want anyone to bring dangerous weapons to the party?"

Byakuya nod to confirm "Yes, could you kindly do as I requested please?" Byakuya said as Y/n started to raise their arms as Byakuya started to inspect Y/n's body after that happened Byakuya pleased "Good, it doesn't seem you have weapons with you"

Y/n smiled "I have no reason to bring a weapon, but if isn't that rude to ask what's in that duralumin case you have there?" they asked

"I found them at the supermarket... This one is used to store any dangerous items I find during body checks. The other one is for..." Byakuya said "..Well, let's just say it's for emergencies only."

Y/n hummed "Okay, thank you for that information. I shall enter now, I hope you also have fun during the party Togami" Y/n said to the progeny as they gave him a bow,before entering the old building, as they were inside they were immediately greeted by their childhood friend. Nagito kissing their knuckles as a greeting letting out a chuckle "N/n, welcome I hope you would be pleased to see what I did in this building, knowing how strict you are when comes to decorations as well"

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