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I'll try my best to shorten this huhu

Soooo since I have some comments regarding turning this into a Nagito x Reader fic then I am going to do it


As they stepped foot on the elevator, there was Silence. Y/n staying beside with Nagito during the ride until they reach their destination. They went to their assigned place with Fuyuhiko and Akane in between them.

"Now then, let's begin with a simple explanation of the class trial. During the class trial, you will present your arguments for who the killer is, and vote for whodunnit." Monokuma explained, the rules that you were familiar with. "If you vote correctly, then only the blackened will receive punishment. But if you pick the wrong person... I'll punish everyone besides the blackened, and that person will earn the right to leave this island!"

"S-Such a cruel rule...!" Monomi wept while she was tied up against the ceiling, the actor could not help but felt bad for her.


At first, no one had state a word, Y/n letting out a sigh - deciding that they would take the lead on this case "Since no one is volunteering on talking about a topic about our dead companion, allow me" Y/n said "First things first... Let us all discuss about the mystery on why the body is underneath that table"





"Why was Byakuya's body in a place like that?"

"His body was underneath the table at the very back of the dining hall."

"After the killer murdered Byakuya......they probably moved the body there."

"Huh? Why?"

"Obviously, by hiding the body...They tried to delay its discovery. Like a dog burying a bone!"


[No, that's wrong!]



Hajime refuted Kazuichi's statement "No... I don't think the killer moved the body."

" ...Huh? Why?" Kazuichi pondered

"Try to remember what the body looked like when we found it under the table..." Nagito said to the mechanic "Though there was a lot of blood everywhere, there was no sign the killer actually dragged the body through it."

"Arghhh!" Kazuichi groaned, placing his hand on his forehead "And here I thought I had a genius idea!"

" Too bad you're soooooo stupid and boring and unpopular! Your life is meaningless!" Hiyoko mocked the highlighter

"I-I respond better to praise, you know!" Kazuichi stammered

"Would you two stop for a moment in bickering?" Y/n said, with a annoyed express plastered on their face "we have a case to do and this is not the right time"

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