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Minor mentions of sensitive topics


After Y/n and Nagito did their daily routine before they could have fallen asleep the announcement rung from the monitor.


"Ahem... Hope's Peak Academy's School Trip Executive Committee has an announcement to make... Emergency, emergency! Students, head over to Jabberwock Park as fast as you can! Come on, hurry up! Whoever gets there first, I'll treat you to my special-made curry rice tomorrow night! Come on, hurry the eff up!"


The actor could not help but let out a groan out of annoyance as they got out of bed with Nagito. "What does this bear want I thought we could sleep earlier today.." The actor mumbled

Nagito, placing his hand on his chin "Maybe it's another motive?" He theorized " It has been a few days since the murder occurred..."

Y/n hummed in agreement as the duo go out and walk their way to jabberwock park, them being the first ones here "Hey we get the curry, it must be my lucky day and I can't wait to share it with you... Your highness" Nagito saif as he smiles softly

This made Y/n sweatdropped "Ko... We don't even know what kind of curry that Monokuma is giving us" Y/n said "I am sure it's just a bait to lure the idiotic ones running their way here"

"Awww here I thought I made it first here" Akane said who just made her appearance "But I lost to pretty face..."

"I appreciate you calling me pretty face... I have a name you know?" Y/n states as they just sigh with everybody else appearing except the two missing ones

" I wonder what kind of curry it is" Sonia pondered as Y/n place their hand on their temple

"Not you too Sonia..." Y/N mumbled

"What's the scientific term for when you get hungry after you hear the word, "curry"!?" Ibuki exclaimed

" You guys are fucking stupid... Don't get worked up over something so idiotic..." Fuyuhiko huffed "Hey, where the hell is Monokuma!? Get out here!"

This made Monokuma appeared "Okie-dokie, thanks for waiting! Thanks for the miracle of waiting!" He thanked the students

"Monokuma is it true that you are going to give us curry?" Nagito asks "But me and your highness arrived here first does that mean we both get it?"

"Then I'll properly treat you both to my special-made Monokuma Curry tomorrow night." Monokuma informed "It's an extremely delicious curry made from unknown meat, wilted vegetables, and a mysterious brand of rice!"

Y/n giving a bear a judgmental look "Erm... Can you give my curry for Akane, after hearing that it made even more of lose my appetite" they mumbled

"Awww but I was going to make that curry filled with love..." Monokuma whined, looking down this made Y/n have a disgusted look on their face "Buuut if you insisted then Akane can have it!"

"Really?!"Akane gasps "Thank you pretty face!" She thanked the actor

"My Y/n L/n..." Y/n reintroduced themselves to the gymnast "Just remember that from now on as compensation"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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