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Time passes, as it was now night time. The Actor in their room lying in bed suddenly the monitor that was on their room suddenly opened.Y/n looking at the screen, expecting Monokuma to be seen in the monitor.


"Ahem! Hope's Peak Academy's School Trip Executive Committee has an announcement to make... Hello everyone! The fun time you've all been waiting for is about to begin! I wonder what festivities await you? ...Oops, don't wanna ruin the surprise! It was a little "meh" at first, but anyway, please gather at Jabberwock Park!"


Y/n let out a sigh as they slowly got out of bed, going out as they start to walk their way to Jabberwock part. They weren't considered late nor advance on their arrival but rather on time which the actor didn't mind at all.

As expected Hajime arrive last "Once again, you're late... Did you lose your nerve?" Byakuya huffed crossing his arms "...Anyway, it seems everyone is here."

"Ugh, what is it this time...?" Kazuichi muttered grabbing onto his beanie in the process "So friggin' annoying..." he complained " Then you shouldn't have come." Fuyuhiko said to Kazuichi

"Well...I mean...I don't know what'll happen to me if I don't come..." Kazuichi uttered to the yakuza as the petite male scoff and smirk "Heh, since none of us know what'll happen, maybe you should be the one to test that"

"Someone like you or anyone else that is with us doesn't have the right to say that. You may act all tough guy but you wouldn't be here if it weren't you were scared by that bear" Y/n remark one hand was put on their hips as the other one in their cheek.

"Yea! I definitely agree with Y/n here!" Mahiru exclaimed " I guess even a big bad yakuza like you must've been scared of that monster, huh?" she mocked the yakuza

"What the fuck did you two just say!?" Fuyuhiko yelled as Y/n ignored his words, grabbing their fan to fan themselves "S-Stop it, you three. Fighting among friends isn't good!" Nagito said in attempts to not make this situation worsen

"I wouldn't say I am "fighting". I am just pointed out the truth which most people get so upset at that even I get upset as well" Y/n said "You should know me better than most people Komaeda"

" What? Did you just say, "friend"?" Fuyuhiko questioned the lucky student" I'm not your friend, dumbass! When did I ever become friends with you bastards?"

"Our pass school memories said so other wise" Y/n thought as Y/n decided to listen to all of this act

" Hmph, let me be perfectly clear..." Fuyuhiko spoke "...I can do it, y'know"

"So does everyone else, so you're not so special.The only thing that's special about you is the fact your mother didn't set you to abortion because I would have regrets having my child behave like this" Y/n retorted "I would suggest stop with this childish act of yours,before I ran out of patience and do it myself"

"Who the fuck are you to boss me around?" Fuyuhiko asks "My own mother?" as Y/n have neutral expression on their face, unfazed "Well I can be one if you keep acting like a nine year old throwing a tantrum for not being able to eat their strawberry tart"

"Hey, Fuyuhiko...why don't you calm down for a bit?" Hajime suggests as Fuyuhiko furrowed his eyebrows as he looks at Hajime "Don't talk to me like we're friends or something!I live in a completely different world than you bastards... Kill or be killed... That's the kind of world I live in." he said "Heh, the current rules make more sense to me than that "Play nice and get along" crap. "

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