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The actor now at the beach, seems almost everyone was here. Y/n taking a sitting down close to a palm-tree letting out an exhausted sigh from their lips. The two males following behind them tired.

"Sorry to keep you all waiting." Nagito apologize as Byakuya let out a Huff "Well, it's all right... More importantly, this is our only chance to talk between ourselves before that rabbit returns."

"Kyahaha! Let's talk!" Hiyoko cheered, putting her hands in the air Byakuya asking a question to everyone"Now then, let me hear your initial impressions of this island."

Everyone started to tell their impressions to the Affluent Progeny.Byakuya scoff at their words " All of you are fools... I can't believe nobody has mentioned the most serious truth." he said

Chiaki tilt her head" ...The most serious truth?" she asked Byakuya lightly furrowed his eyebrows" If no one here realized it, you're all bigger fools than I thought."

" What did you say, you fat bastard? Don't be talkin' all big and shit!" Fuyuhiko exclaimed as Byakuya Huff"A chihuahua shouldn't bark so loud. "

"By serious truth...,does this mean what this island is called I assumed?" Y/n spoke while grabbing a fan from their pockets to fan themselves "If so... By all means you must underestimated me to compare me for a fool. This island is called Jabberwock Island, an island in the Pacific Ocean"

"Maybe I did underestimated you" Byakuya muttered "But what you said was correct, Jabberwock.A beautiful island paradise where summer never ends... It consists of a central island surrounded by five different islands... It's also said that five holy animals symbolize each of those surrounding islands."

"If anyone of you potatoes decided to go to the park, there's a sigh called "Jabberwock Park". So it's safe to assume that Jabberwock Island is where we are" Y/n said putting their hand at their chest at they smirk

"Still, there is something on my mind. In fact, according to what I've heard, Jabberwock Island is already..."Byakuya informed" ...Never mind."

" Hold it right there! That's a rather incomplete story you've told us." Nekomari yelled as Baykuya crosses his arms" No need to shout. I'll let you know once I obtain more information."

Akane just shrugged" Meh, I don't care what this island's called. Nikoniko Island or Papua Island or whatever... Doesn't change the fact that we all gotta live here, right?" Y/n nodded in agreement, everyone commenting that the situation they are in isn't bad as it seems.

" Hey, listen to what you guys are saying. We need to stay calm and think about this...! We're all here to attend Hope's Peak Academy, right? But we're living on an island like this instead... No matter what, it's completely weird!" Hajime exclaimed as Gundham Huff"Why don't you stop talking for a while? Go cool your head off or something. " the breeder suggests to the brunette

"That's right, even if we wanted to leave it seems impossible to do so" Y/n said "Also there's no way we can contact to the outside world , so it's impossible to ask for help."

"Then, why don't we just swim home?" Akane casually suggested "There's no way we can swim that far...!" Mikan stammered as Nekomaru yelled "SHOW SOME SPIRIT!!!"

"Tch... I am not here to deal with a bunch of fools, it's impossible to escape." Y/n huff as they started massaging their temples

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