007. The Mold Monster

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     "Why are all these mattresses out?" John B asked neither JJ nor Esme in particular as the trio made their way up the stairs that would take them to the second floor of the motel.  John B and Esme walked side by side with JJ lingering behind them.

     JJ would be the one to answer John B's question, which really didn't surprise Esme — JJ had an answer for everything — even if it meant pulling it out of his ass.  "After a hurricane, they ditch 'em 'cause they're moldy."

     "Gross," Esme shuddered.

     "Be wary of the mold monster," JJ crept behind the raven-haired girl, bringing his fingers to her ribs and tickling her lightly.

     "Stop, JJ," she said, a grin on her face that suggested she was enjoying his company more than she let on.

     JJ smiled, happy every time he was able to successfully tease Esme.  He then brought his attention to John B, massaging his shoulders.  "Just be so careful, John," JJ said in a gentle voice, and Esme knew exactly who he was imitating.

     "Want me to leave you two alone?" Esme wiggled her eyebrows as JJ snickered.

     "God, you guys are so weird," John B said, now leading the three as they carefully walked past occupied hotel rooms to find the room number that matched the one on the key.

     "What was that about?" JJ asked.

     "I don't know.  Maybe she wants us to be careful," John B shrugged.

     "Since she heard you're being threatened with exile, she's just been like, Oh!  Be so careful, John B!

     "Get off," John B deadpanned.

     "Oh, give me that John D already," JJ kept going.  "When are you gonna swoop on that, man?"

     "Bro, you know the rule," John B looked at both of them with stern eyes as he nearly stopped in his tracks.  "No Pogue on Pogue macking.  Looking at you two."

     JJ rolled his eyes.  "Esme doesn't even count as a Pogue."

     "I think that's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me," Esme brought a hand over her heart as if she were touched by his words, the cheeky boy smiling sweetly at her in response.

     This made John B more nervous.  "Wow, you didn't even deny it."

     "Tell me there's one person on this island who believes I'm macking on Esmeralda Mendoza," JJ tilted his head as Esme nodded.  "And then bring me to them because they deserve an award for being the only smart one in this godforsaken place."

Remember Me Like This ── JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now