008. Incriminating Evidence

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     "Dude, dude, dude!" JJ practically claimed the gun in the safe the moment his hands collided with it, the blonde becoming obsessed with it.

     "I'm not even surprised," Esme shook her head when John B looked at her, as if for answers.

     "This is a SIG Sauer."

     "Put the gun back, JJ!" John B exclaimed.

     "This is a fucking spendy GATT, man.  Just... bam!  Bam!  Bam!  Bam!"

     "Hey, think about it!" John B said, but his voice was rendered useless as JJ continued to pretend to blast the gun around the room.

     Esme was surprised by his shouting, but she didn't actually believe he'd pull the trigger.  Even so, she had to agree with John B on this one.  She held her hands up, palms facing towards him as if in mock surrender.  "Dude, you really have to chill out for a second."

     "Bam, bam!"

     "We are not stealing anything," John B said, to which Esme nodded.  Her hoop earrings smacked the sides of her jaw as she did so, and her hair was also getting kind of flat, and she really wished she was anywhere but there at the moment.

     "Just take a pic of me.  Right here," JJ insisted.

     "You want me to take a picture of you?" John B asked, eyebrows raised.  JJ saw nothing wrong with that question, meanwhile, Esme and John B were staring at him like he was mental.

     "Yeah, dude, like..." JJ said, bringing the gun up to his face and kissing it like he was in Charlie's Angels.

     "Make our own incriminating evidence?" John B cut him off.  "Is that what you're talking about?"

     Esme had never rolled her eyes so hard in her life.

     The three were standing around, waiting for the next to reply with something snarky.  Their conversation slash argument was cut short, however, with the sound of something tapping against the window.  "Wait, what was that?"


     John B walked over to the window, Esme right behind him, as he opened the blinds open with his fingers to see Pope and Kiara with worried expressions on their faces as they pointed towards the outside of the room, shouting up at them as quietly as they could...  "Cops!  Cops!  Cops!"

     Esme could feel her eyes popping out of her head as John B cursed under his breath.  "What is it?" a clueless JJ asked.

     "Cops," he replied, and just as quickly, a knock was heard at the door.

     "Kildare County Sheriff's Department!"

     Many thoughts ran through Esme's head while she and the boys quickly devised a plan to escape by going through the window and hiding as best as they could.  Also, hardly any planning was done, just a mere look between the three before they frantically started to push their way out of the suffocating room.

     She thought about her grandma, and what her grandma would do if she got caught.  Would Adonis step up and take care of her for the both of them?  What would Adonis do, if she were ever sent away?  Would he even miss her?  Would anyone miss the girl they once reaped benefits from?

     "Quickly!" JJ whispered near her ear as he knocked her closer to the window, both his hands on her waist, able to feel everything down to the cool metal of the gun.  With his free hand, he grabbed her petite tan one quickly, leading her outside.

     "Go ahead and check the bathroom," they were able to hear the police officers enter the room and search around.  Esme shifted her feet as much as she could without making a sound, but it was proving difficult.

     "Shush," JJ whispered into her left ear, chills climbing down her back.  While John B was on the left side of the window, JJ and Esme were hiding on the right — still holding hands.  All were pressing their stomachs against the wall of the motel, the hot sun beating on their backs.  "I'm not gonna let them see you, just be still."

     "It's clear," a woman's voice announced from inside.

     It was quiet for a moment — Esme presumed they were searching around for whatever clues they could just like she was minutes ago — until she heard the first officer again.  She had an inkling that it was Deputy Shoupe, it wasn't like Esme hadn't had her run-ins with officers before.  "Go ahead.  Throw these in a bag, would you?"

     "Yes, sir," the woman replied, and Esme figured they had found their way to the safe just as she and the boys previously had.  "Sir?"

     JJ peaked closer for a better look as to what they were doing as the officer spoke.  "Everybody's gotta dip their beak," was Shoupe's casual response.

     "What the f..." JJ whispered, locking eyes with an equally stunned John B.

     "Right, right.  Their beak.  Yeah," the second officer chuckled awkwardly, so quietly that if they weren't as still as a tree they wouldn't have heard her.

     "Do you believe..." whispering was cut off as JJ's gun clattered down the side of the motel, hitting pieces of the brick on its way to the grassy land below them. 

     Esme cringed loudly, already expecting the worst to happen.  They'd come over, search a little, and honestly?  Probably catch them.

     JJ's grip on Esme's hand tightened, the surface below his fingers turning white at the loss of blood flow.  Normally, Esme would smack him in the head just for touching her, but this was life or death.  Or close to it.  Their sweaty palms clasped together feverishly as if they were never going to grab hold of each other ever again.

     Shoupe walked near the window, taking his time as he inspected the view, but hardly anything was out of place.  Birds flew overhead before they dived into the waters for their next meals, Kiara, Claire and Pope were laid back in the boat.  JJ and Esme scooted more to their right while John B more to his left just in case Shoupe would be able to see them from their current spots.  "This is... wow," the woman remarked.

     "Yeah... um... all right," Shoupe decided as he turned on his heel to leave.  "Let's go.  No one's here."

     Esme let out a breath she'd been holding in, looking over at the blonde boy standing next to her.  "J..." she spoke quietly.

     "Not yet, princess," was all he said as they stayed still until they were absolutely positive the officers left the room.  Then — and only then — did JJ loosen his grip on her.

#JJ— the dramaaa

#JJ— the dramaaa

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Remember Me Like This ── JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now