009. Kegger?

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     "Well, that was fun."

     The trio had made it back to their boat safely, JJ obviously a little less agitated than Esme, who wasn't quite cracking chuckles yet.  "Sure," she said quietly, ignoring the stares she was receiving from Claire, who frankly, was worried about her friend.  Esme was acting as if she'd just seen a dead body.

     "Could have warned us sooner."

     "We would have, except Pope was on the math team," Kiara retorted, smiling sarcastically towards Pope.

     "You were on the math team?" JJ asked.  It pretty much went unanswered.

     "The cops took everything like it was a crime scene," John B noted.

     "Did you guys find anything?" — there it was, the question she had been fearing.  She hadn't exactly known JJ like the back of her smooth hand, but she knew how reckless he was, and there was nothing safe about what he himself had taken from the motel room.

     "Did we find anything?" JJ rephrased their question.  "No, I don't think so.  Oh, yeah, we did," he held up both hands, one clutching a wad of bills and the other, his new proud possession.

     "What the hell?" Pope asked frantically.

     "Dude, what?"

     "Dude, chill," JJ smiled.  "Come on."

     "Why take that from a crime scene?"

     "I tried to tell him," Esme squinted as she faced the sun — but anything was better than JJ's wrath.

     Just as she said that JJ deadpanned towards her.     "Better than the cops having it."

     She turned to him and cocked her head to the side.  "Whatever helps you sleep at night."  JJ shrugged her words off.

     "You serious?" Kiara said, worried.

     "I'm gonna lose my merit scholarship," Pope paced around.

     "Hey, hey, hey," JJ stood up and placed a hand over Pope's shoulder.  "Sh, sh, sh," the blonde shushed his friend by placing the gun in between them as he pulled him closer.  "At least you have us, right?"

     "I'm living the nightmare."

     "Who's that?" John B asked, the group of six now back to their homeland, watching as a body has been pulled from someone's boat.  Claire stands right next to Pope, throwing a hand over her mouth in shock.

Remember Me Like This ── JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now