1: Morning Routine

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     It was the start of a new year. There was still two and a half hours to meet the new students and new teachers. Probably 90% of the school must be enjoying their sleep peacefully. The rest of 10% includes at least two people, and they were-







TANJIRO AND KANAO!..........................Why are none of you surprised?

Anyway, as I was saying-

     Tanjiro was kinda FORCED to not sleep because he was in a flight as he is a new transferred student. Luckily, his sister, Nezuko was studying in the same school knew about his sudden appearance. She was going to pick him up, but she overslept. Tanjiro knew this, because his sister lovesssss to sleep, so he already booked a cab. It was not going to be easy for him to reach the airport's arrivals exit without being noticed. He wore a mask, a cap and also a pair of 0-power glasses. You can say he was lucky enough to reach to his his car on time, without a crowd following him.

     Meanwhile, Kanao really loved to get up early in the morning to see the sunset and also kept this habit. Their college was behind just a beach, which could be one of the reasons she chose to study here. "Beautiful" she said to herself as she doesn't like speaking to people much.

 "Beautiful" she said to herself as she doesn't like speaking to people much

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     Then something caught her eye that was making the heel of her leg wet. "Fuko." She called out, picking her beloved friend slowly. The cat meowed at her softly and then Kanao smiled, just like everyday. It was clean white. 

     She kissed the baby kitten, while Fuko (Japanese meaning 'Lucky') meowed again

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     She kissed the baby kitten, while Fuko (Japanese meaning 'Lucky') meowed again.

Serious matter ahead. Watch at your own risk-

     THEY WERE GOING TO HAVE A RACE! Who wins two continues rounds of the beach. Fuko was fast, but she was losing the race. Just as the other round was going to start, Fuko stopped and looked at her leg. This caused Kanao to stop and check Fuko, but Fuko has never lost a race. As soon as Kanao sat, she ran towards the end. Kanao, in shock that Fuko had tricked her once again. And you guys probably have guessed who won the race. Kanao; when she reached the shore, was panting and bending to breath properly. "You cheated- *huf huf* You n-need to pay the p-prize."

     She picked her up and started to tickle her. That lasted for at least for 5 minutes. The sun had rose, so Kanao was going back. Fuko did not want to leave her, so she sat on her head. "You want to come home too? I guess it's okay because I don't know if it's my last day in the dorm."


Kanao: *Opening the door*

Fuko: *Sleeping on Kanao's head*

Fuko: *Sleeping on Kanao's head*

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So this is the end, I think I'll upload the next chapter after upto tomorrow. And sorry if there were any errors.


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