7: Together

304 13 13

Kanao POV~

Looks like I'm not the only one here. Someone was here before me. As per what I can see, it's a guy. A very familiar guy. Oh, I recognize him now! It's Tanjiro, I'm guessing. But what is he doing here all alone? Should I ask him? But what if he wants to be alone for a while? 

I decided to just look for Fuko and go straight to the dorm. But it seems that the fate had decided something else. I noticed Fuko sitting on Tanjiro's lap. Fuko's talent was that she can get along with humans easily. Therefore, I am not so surprised in this situation. 

I started to walk towards him. 

"Konnichiwa Tanjiro kun." I greeted him. After looking at me, he turned away but still greeted me back. "Konnichiwa Kanao senpai." Hmm... Senpai? Oh... He musk know. "I see you now know Fuko too." He then looked down, confused for a second. Then he said, "This little one?" He said,  picking up Fuko in his arms towards the sky.

"Hai!" I answered excitedly. "She came to me and started to snuggle my hand." he continued. "I thought it was cute, as it's been pretty long someone has tried to get close to me."

Then I saw him smile. It was wonderful. I felt my cheeks heating at my thoughts. "Oh. I almost forgot! Fuko is still small. She is not used to loud noises. We should go back to our dorm, don't you think?" I said, trying to distract myself from Tanjiro. "Fuko? Oh, you mean her?" He kept Fuko back on the ground. That movement Fuko came to me. I just picked her up, ready to take her to the dorm.

"Ne, Senpai, how do you know so much about this cat? Are you the one who named her?" Tanjiro suddenly asked, out of the blue. "Oh, yes. Fuko has been friends with me for pretty long now. My day usually starts by seeing her, which makes me happy. So, I named her Fuko." I replied that bought back some memories of the first time when I met her. 

Tanjiro POV~

I wanted to know more about Fuko. A adorable attention-seeker who cannot be resisted. It may seem weird at first, but it was heart warming. Kanao seem to know her well. Right now she seemed to be lost in a thought. I suggested we should go back to our dorm now. And of course, she agreed.

Back in the flophouse~

"Tanjiro kun, I'm making some hot chocolate for myself. Would you like some too?" She asked. She was already going towards the kitchen so I agreed. First she gave cat food to Fuko which did not really surprise me as. Then I was lost in my own thoughts. Maybe she's not that bad to be a friend. But I still need time to trust her. I can't make that mistake again.


"Tanjiro~" A familiar voice called out. I turned around to see my only two friends- Susamaru and Yahaba. "Tanjiro kun! Sorry if it's too much but we need more money for our business! Could you please help us?"  Susamaru asked. I sometimes thought of asking them what 'BuSiNeSs' they were up to but I never got a chance. I hand them over the money and then they go away, not even caring to thank me.

This time, I've had enough! I followed then to an.................... alley? There I see then exchanging the money for medicine. Wait that's not medicine, they're?! Susamaru and Yahaba are drug dealers?! I can't believe I've been helping them. I'll get rid of them tomorrow. I should go back now.

Present time~

"Tanjiro kun? Here's your hot chocolate." said Kanao while handing me the cup. "Arigato Kanao san." I thank her while taking the cup from her hand. I sometimes have this weird feeling around her. I need to get to know well to know this warm feeling I feel inside myself when I'm alone with her. 

Does she feel it too, or is it only me?













Sorry for the short chapter. You can leave now.

































I'm being serious


































Sayonara ✨✨👋👋

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