5: Shifting

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30 minutes later-

Tanjiro just finished arranging his room. Now he just needed to shift his stuff. It was not going to be easy, as-

#1 There were 5 suitcases and bags in total. (For some reason)

#2 The beach was not so close.

Tanjiro thought of asking his roommate, but it could be weird because he doesn't know her name yet. They did not even have a proper conversation. But he didn't want to disturb anyone else. He didn't have a choice. I took this advantage. *insert evil laugh*

Tanjiro: *Walks towards Kanao's room* "Hey, you girl- " *Closes the door immediately* *Blushing furiously*

Kanao: *Comes out of the bathroom IN TOWEL* *Sees Tanjiro* *Controls her anger* *Looks at him with a irritated look* (I see. He is nothing like his sister. Mannerless idiot.)

10- 15 minutes later

This time Kanao comes out wearing a dress; Tanjiro was sitting on the couch, waiting for her. This time, to blush again after seeing her.

Tanjiro: (Why is she dressed up like this? Is she going somewhere?)

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Tanjiro: (Why is she dressed up like this? Is she going somewhere?)

Kanao: "Sorry about earlier. Did you need something?"

Tanjiro: "Ah, yes. I needed to bring my stuff up here. I was wondering if you could help." (So she isn't mute.)

Kanao: *Nods*

Tanjiro: "Where are you going?" He still has that cold tone.

Kanao: "You didn't know? The college is throwing a party for the new academic session ." She says while putting on her shoes.

Tanjiro: "After bringing my stuff here, could you wait for me. I don't know the way."

Kanao: "Sure, but you need to hurry." (I'm in charge of the party. But I'm sure Otouto(younger brother) can handle for some time. I'll just message him.)

They reach the beach house-

Kanao asks Tanjiro for the key. He got suspicious on this question, but gave it. Kanao takes two suitcases; Tanjiro takes two bags and one suitcases. They had a quiet journey till their rooms. After reaching, Kanao excuses herself to the bathroom while Tanjiro changes. 

10 minutes later Tanjiro comes out and sees Kanao waiting for him.

10 minutes later Tanjiro comes out and sees Kanao waiting for him

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Tanjiro: "I guess we can go now" *showing off*

Kanao: "Do you have the dorm keys? I gave them to you on the way here."

Tanjiro: "Why would I keep them? They're probably in the laundry inside my pant pockets."


Tanjiro: "I don't keep that kind of stuff. Lets just go already."

Kanao: "If you say so. But keep them with yourself next time."

They leave their dorms. In the elevator, Tanjiro starts a conversation.

Tanjiro: "I didn't get your name."

Kanao: "You can ask anyone here. But if you want to know, it's Kanao."

Tanjiro: (That sounds so familiar... And what did she mean by 'ask anyone' tch whatever)

2,000 years later-

Kanao: "You can go in now Tanjiro."

Tanjiro: *Goes in*

He forgot about taking Kanao with him. She didn't mind it as she had other job. Like helping her brother.

Zenitsu: "Nee san, you are here. I can finally leave." *Hands her the register.*

Kanao: "Sorry I took so long. The new guy needed help."

Zenitsu: "That reminded me, isn't the new guy Tanjiro?"

Kanao: *Nods* "You should get going, your girlfriend is waiting."

Zenitsu: *blushes* "OK FINE! Bye."

Kanao: (He's so cute. Oh yeah! I should concentrate on work.) "Your name please."

???: "Ume" No one is bad here, she's just a student from Kanao's class.

Kanao: *checks the register* "You can go in Ume" *Marks her name* "Next please-"













So, I know I haven't being posting. I have the best reason for that. I HAVE NO REASON, TBH! In the next chapter, we will see a little (or more) of Zennezu.






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