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So Greetings, I guess! (A/N) here!

Just scroll to the next chapter if this book is completed.

So, this is something I didn't really want to admit, but I didn't want you guys to wait and keep this book probably stuck in your library waiting for an update. I did a BIG mistake. I thought I was ready to write but turns out I was so much in a lower position than even a beginner as a writer. I thought of randomly picking a topic and start scribbling without thing what I was gonna write.

You're awesome if you found out what I'm trying to say.

I don't know what to write! I'm not running out of ideas, I'M ALREADY OUT!

No, I'm not quitting this book but it was the top reason I maybe gave up on my first one.

I'm asking the beautiful readers of this story to lend me a helping hand and make yourself a part of the book more than a reader.

Ideas can be given here if you'll want to-

Yes, credits will be given always either by the end or by the start of a chapter.

Questions will be asked here-

I will not say I love all of you because that's so cringe like this book.


The moon is so pretty tonight. 💖💖

If it's the new moon just look at the stars.

Sayonara 👋

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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