3: Dorms

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_-_-_IT'S TIME_-_-_

Meanwhile all the other kids as well as teachers and were seen lining up to take their seats at the assembly hall, Kanao and Zenitsu were on the stage as head boy and girl. Zenitsu was the one who spoke on the mic every time because Kanao was a very quiet person especially in public; mentioned in the introduction. She takes the decisions to improve the school which are later checked by Kanae Kocho, aka a random subject teacher and also Aoi's sister.

_-_-_Whisper talk_-_-_

Zenitsu: "Have you seen my script?"

Kanao: "I think-" *Checks her pocket*  "Here-"

Zenitsu: "Oh, Arigato"

_-_-_On the mic_-_-_

Zenitsu: "I hope all of the students and teachers have got their admission numbers; we will start soon."

(I do not study in a college, so I wrote whatever came in my mind.)

_-_-_Somewhere in the crowd_-_-_

Tanjiro: "Nezuko, what does he mean by admission numbers?"

Nezuko: "Well, he will say two or three admission numbers probably given to him by the principal, that will decide the dorm mates of this year."

Tanjiro: "And how am I supposed to know my admission number?"

Nezuko: "It will obviously be in the admission form."

Tanjiro: "But-"

Nezuko: "You don't have the papers right? Check your phone then you fool?"

Tanjiro: "Oh yeah....."

This totally innocent guy checks his phone

Tanjiro: "8047"

Nezuko: "Oh, mine is 6034. "

Zenitsu: "Three more minutes until final announcement. Requesting all to take their breaks."

Nezuko: "Do you want to go to the bathroom? You cannot go when the speech is going on."

Tanjiro: "Nah, I just went a while ago. I think I'll be fine"

Nezuko: "Ok. Then wait for me." *Goes to the bathroom*

???: "Tanjiro?"

Tanjiro: *turns around* "Aoi!"


Tanjiro: "Inosuke?!"

Inosuke: "Did you miss us?"

Tanjiro: "What kind of question is that? Of course I missed you bro!"

Aoi: "Glad you remember us. I thought you forgot because of your music career."

Tanjiro: "I wouldn't forget you until next life."

Zenitsu: "One more minute until final announcement. Requesting the students and teachers to please return to their respective seats; Thank you."

Tanjiro: "Wow. I never knew that Zeitsu could speak so formally with a straight face."

Inosuke: "Yeah! Hanao and Nezuki say that he is very serious when it comes to college and studies. That is how he got thee position for being the head boy."

For Tanjiro it was a new fact that Zenitsu was so good in his studies. He almost forgot to ask something-













Or someone............

Tanjiro: "Hey, who is-"

Nezuko: "Nii chan! It's about to start."

Tanjiro now was thinking two things-

#1 How did Nezuko get here so fast

#2 Who was Hanao?

Zenitsu: "I hope all the teachers and students have taken their place. Those who are new to are college are welcome. Here we have loving teachers who are caring for all the students. We also have a few rules that are.............................................................."

Imagine that lasted for 10 minutes

Zenitsu: "And now, the dorm numbers. For the students it's-"



2046S and 4073S  dorm- 102(Inoaoi) *Half blush appeared*






6034S and 5058S dorm- 845(Zennezu) *blush appeared*



8047S and 5057S dorm- 734(Tankana) *Don't know each other*

I repeat-


Zenitsu: "There has been a extra student and teacher this year, So they'll be paired up."

1034S and 1020T room- 110(Giyushino) *Evil laughs*

1012T and 1001 room- 120(Sanakana)*blush appeared*

1019 and 1011 room- 116(Obamistu)*blush appeared*

1005 and 1023 room- 104(Rengoku and Uzui[NOT A SHIP]) *BFF hi five*

Zenitsu: "The dorms with the admission number will be on the notice board. Everybody can check it out.The assembly has come to an end. Thank you all for attending."







Special thanks to @DifferentShipper the principal of this college for making the ships sail. We have her on the stage if she wants to sat something. @DifferentShipper hands the mic to @DifferentShipper. "Anything for my ships to sail."

Yeah, I didn't mean to actually praise myself over there, just wanted to make you laugh. (If you did.)


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