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Steve, Sam, Rhodey, Bruce, Vision, Natasha, Wanda and Peter are on the Quinjet flying towards their destination, "when we get there, we'll come up with a plan of attack", "where are we going anyways?", asks Peter, "Wakanda", says Steve.

Peter tenses up, remembering what he did to T'Challa, which Natasha, Wanda, Rhodey and Vision notice, "this is gonna be eventful", says Peter, "don't worry Pete, it's gonna be alright", says Natasha, "oh yeah, I forgot", says Sam. "What? What's going on?", asks Bruce.

Peter looks at him, "remember how I said about the fight we had at that airport in Germany?", Bruce nods, "well, at that time the current King had become the new King when his father was killed, and when we tried to capture Steve friend, Natasha let them both get away-", "- and a few minutes later, your Highness was really angry and tried to get the information at out Wanda, and he tried hurting her, but Peter stopped him, which made him a criminal and the King revealed his identity", finishes Natasha.

Bruce looks at Peter with sympathy, "sorry Peter", "it's OK, just awkward that the 2nd time I'm gonna meet him it's in this kind of situation", says Peter. Steve looks at Peter and just smiles, "don't worry, its been two years since then, and that should be more than enough time for him to come to terms for what he's done wrong, and he should apologize for what he's done", he says. Peter just smiles and nods, "I hope so, I really would hate living in a Wakanda jail cell", says Peter.

Some time passes and they see a forest, "drop to 2600, heading 030", "hope your right about this, or were gonna land alot faster than you want to". Sam flies the Quinjet and see's that the forest was an illusion, and they see what Wakanda really is.  They land and exit the jet, Steve and Natasha first, then Sam, Bruce and Rhodey, "should we bow?", "yeah, he's a king". Last to come out are Peter and Wanda helping Vision, "seems I'm always thanking you for something", says Steve, as he shake T'Challa.

Bruce bows and Rhodey looks at him, "what are you doing?", "we dont do that here", says T'Challa. Peter lowers his head, hoping T'Challa doesn't notice him, as they follow him as he explains the Army he's gathering, "and a Semi-stable 100-year old man", they hear, and see Bucky, who Steve hugs, "how you been Buck?", "not bad, for the end of the world", he says, with a smile.

T'Challa looks around the group and spots Peter trying not to make eye contact, "Mr. Parker, it is good to see you again", he says, making Peter look his way, "Your Highness, it is good to see you as well", says Peter. Peter let's go of Vision and walks towards T'Challa, "Mr. Parker, I would like to apologize for my actions from Leipzig, you were right, revenge was not the answer, but I'm glad you were there to stop me", T'Challa says.

Peter smiles, "it's OK Your Highness, I'm just glad we can get past this". They shake hands and smile, "I think we need to focus on Vision please, not to ruin the moment", says Wanda, "yes, shall we? My sister is waiting for us".

The Avengers follow T'Challa inside, but Bucky, Sam and Rhodey stay outside, watching and waiting with The Wakandan Army. Vision is on a table when T'Challas sister, Shuri brings up holographic schematics for the Mind Stone, "the structure is polymorphic", "yes, we had to attach each neuron non- sequentially", says Bruce.

"Why didn't you just reprogram the synapses", she asks, as Vision gives Bruce a look, "be- cause we didn't think of it", "I'm sure you did your best", Shuri says. "Can you take it out?", asks Peter, "yes, but one misalignment could cause a cascade of circuit failures, but I can do it with the Time you can get me", she says

A women's beads start beeping and showe something, "something entered the upper atmosphere", she says, "they all look outside and some kind of ships come down but hit the barrier, and explode, but some land just outside.

Vision gets up from the table he's on, "we're out of time, we need to destroy it", "Vision, get your ass back on the table", says Natasha. "We're up, Wanda, when the stones out, blow it to hell", Steve says, "I will", "Evacuate the city, Engage all defenses, and someone get this man a shield!", says T'Challa.

Everyone prepares for battle, but Wanda stops Peter outside the hall, "hey, stay safe", "you too Wanda", "I'm more worried about you and everyone else, who knows what we're going up against", she says. "Yeah, who knows what kind of army they have, but I'm worried about you and Vision, it's him they want, they'll try coming here", "dont worry, I won't let them get to him", she says

Peter smiles and quickly kisses her check, "I know, just stay safe", "I will, kick ass for me!", she says making Peter smile, "I will". Peter leaves to meet up with the others as she rejoins Vision. She looks out and see a couple more of those ships land, and immediately is frightened, and worries for her team, for Natasha, for Peter.

She grabs her necklace she got from Peter, and silently prays, "don't worry Wanda, they'll be ok", says Vision, "how can you be sure?", "they'll fight together, when we fight together, we protect each other, and they will do just that", he says, "Vision, it's time, shall we begin?", says Shuri, he sits back on the table and Wanda just see's all of the Wakandan Army, her friends, Natasha and Peter get on transportation and leave, and she quietly whispers, "good luck, protect each other".

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