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"Yeah" nodding my head, I'm currently on the kitchen island "there's no way I'm not ending up pregnant at the end of the month" Felix laughs as he leaves another hickey on my neck.

"I'd like to say I'm sorry" pulling away and looking at me "but I'm not" he then loudly pictures me very pregnant and him fucking me from behind

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"I'd like to say I'm sorry" pulling away and looking at me "but I'm not" he then loudly pictures me very pregnant and him fucking me from behind. I shake my head and wrap my arms around his neck.

"As much as I'd like to stay here" we've haven't left the house in over a week, the kids are getting worried and moms back. I know dads seconds away from having mom teleport him, Emmett and Jasper over here to get Felix off of me. "We need to leave, but first blood" I go off the counter and wobbly get to the fridge. Felix chuckles knowing he's the reason I can't stand up straight of have my legs closed.

Since coming here we at first have been fucking hard and fast, but now we've been making love. And now my legs hurt from all of that, Felix however is ready to go another round. I grab some blood bags and hand him two, he raises his eyebrow at me.

"I drink blood, I'm not ashamed of it" looking at him "plus the blood bank sends me a few each month" nodding his head we drink the blood before I get a call from my phone. Grabbing it I see it's from dad, answering it "hi daddy"

"Don't hi daddy me" he grumbles "there's a new vampire after Bella, we need your help"

"No offense dad but why?"

"I'm planning on marrying her" I hang up then, I think about mom.

"What?" Felix comes up to me "What did your father want?"

"He's planning on marrying Bella" biting my lip "if I don't say something it'll end badly and if I do it'll end badly" tears run down my face "Felix what do I do? Dad won't listen, Bella has my dad wrapped around her finger and my mom she isn't focused on my dad"

"I don't know" pulling me into a hug "I don't know baby" soon my phone rings and I see it's form mom.

"Hi mom" wiping my tears "what's up?"

"I have a date" she screams and I put my face in Felix chest crying softly, I'm happy for her but what do I do? I tell the truth and people will be angry no matter what.

"That's great" making my voice normal "who's the lucky guy?"

"Remember Travis? The pyromancer? He asked me out and I said yes" she squeals "he's in town and I can't wait, I got to go but I'll let you know about how the date went later" she hangs up and I cry, Felix runs circles on my back soothingly.

If I don't say anything my parents will be so angry, maybe I should let nature take its course. This has gone on too far, I'll let them know when the times right.

Time Skip

I'm currently in a black dress with black heels. My hair in a bun as we stand outside of the Cullen Household.

"Oh my legs are broken" I try to take a step but I almost fall, Felix catches me and carries me inside, once inside we head upstairs to the living room where everyone is

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"Oh my legs are broken" I try to take a step but I almost fall, Felix catches me and carries me inside, once inside we head upstairs to the living room where everyone is.

"Mom, Felix" we see North and Luce come our way "your back" Felix sets me down and I give my kids a big hug.

"Well well well" Emmett crossed his arms at us and smiles "you two sure took your time" Rose smack his head "what?"

"Kids are present" she scolds her mate, looking at us "how was your time away from the chaos that's Bella?"

"Well" but I'm cut off my dad attacking Felix, Emmett and Jasper soon gets between them and they pull dad off of Felix. "Dad! Why did you do that?"

"I thought I made it clear" he growls at Felix who holds me close to him protectively "no more grandkids for the next few centuries"

"Oh my god" we turn to Lucinda "are you guys having a baby? Mom!" She places a hand on my stomach and everyone looks at me.

"Maybe" shrugging my shoulders

"Ooh" I turn to see mom on the staircase "we need to plan a wedding" and she glared at the two of us or more at Felix "you didn't ask her?"

"I did" I look confused before remembering he did ask me to marry him just as I climaxed and said yes "but I'll do it more romantically if it makes you happy"

"How did you propose the first time?" Carlisle asks

"During sex" I say, I told the kids the truth a few months ago so yeah. I see mom glare at Felix and I laugh.

"Wow" Alice is also glaring at my mate "does no one have vision when it comes to romance?"

"We were kind of occupied" shrugging my shoulders

"Doing what?" Emmett smirks knowing what

"You know what" Felix pulls me in

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