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"Your going to stay away from her" Bella threw Jacob out of the house and stated he can't be near her.

"You know I can't do that" Jacob gestures to Embry holding Charlie "Dani and Felix let Embry near Charlie, their in the same position as I am in with Nes-Renesmee" he fixes what he says with the look Bella gives him.

"They aren't me, she is not yours! She's mine!" She makes it clear pushing Jacob even harder

"Edward stop her" Esme tells her son, Edward is just enjoying Jacob getting his ass kicked.

"Bella!" Dani hands Ryker to Felix before going down to Bella "Jacob stay away from Renesmee for a week" he is about to protest but Dani holds her hand up "let everyone see what happens when your kept away from Nessie, let everyone see the pain their putting her in. You know keeping soul mates from one another" none of the Cullens thought about it like that. She then turns to Bella "you want Jacob away, then fine he stays away" this satisfies Bella thinking she's right "but think about how your putting your daughter through pain because your keeping her soulmate from her"
A few days later

Nessie has been crying and refusing to eat, no one has been able to calm her down. Felix, Dani, Leah, Seth and Demetri have been in La Push with Sam's pack at the beach. Sam and Jacob have made amends and now there's two packs, Jacob has been worrying over Renesmee ever since he left prior to what Dani told him to do.

Ever since leaving, after a few hours Renesmee refused to be calmed down. She only cries, when she sleeps she wakes up after an hour and cries loudly again. The Cullens have been trying to get her to eat but she refuses to, they soon realize Dani was right...keeping Jacob from Renesmee was a terrible idea.

"Bella" Carlisle says to the newborn "we all know you don't want to hear this" Bella has tried to get to know her daughter but after a few hours she distanced herself leaving Dorothea to help. Now Renesmee has taken to Dorothea and when Bella saw this she took Renesmee away and growled at Dorothea who Edward was soon by. "But Renesmee needs Jacob, she's literally starving herself because we refuse to let them near her"

"No" shaking her head "I don't care, Renesmee isn't going to be some wolfs soulmate" that's when Edward snapped.

"Bella!" Bella glares at Edward "I'm calling Jacob and when he comes over you are not going to object to Jacob being here, if you try something I will kill you" soon he calls Jacob who when answered left the beach as quickly as he can to go to his imprint.

Once there Carlisle opened the door and when Jacob walked inside he heard Nessie crying. Soon she started to calm down when she saw Jacob, she held her arms out for Jacob. Bella growled at Jacob when he came close but stopped when Emmett and Jasper held her back as Rosalie handed Nessie to Jacob.

"Hey there Ness" she starts to giggle at the funny faces he makes "why am I hearing your not eating?" Edward soon starts to feed Nessie and she greedily takes the food given to her.
Dani's POV

We watch Jacob as he runs to go to his imprint. I laugh, everyone looks at me. "I told my dad and the Cullens that if they wanted Jacob away then they should keep him away knowing Nessie would be in pain"

"You knew?" Sam asks "did you try to stop it?"

"She did" Demetri defends me "she told them that their basically soulmates and that they were keeping soulmates apart willingly"

"She's your sister" Jared says, Kim is holding Beyla. Oh when Kim found out she was furious, sad, a lot of emotions. But she knew Bella was manipulative so she's blaming Bella for it, she is accepting what's happening but she's still upset.

"Yes, and that's why they needed to see what would have happened if they kept Jacob away from Nessie"

"You know what I realized" Quil says and we look to him "the Cullens, no offense Dani but they don't seem to care about hurting people as long as they are happy"

"None taken, it's a reason I don't see them as family" Leaning on Felix's shoulder as I watch Ryker in his arms. "I see my dad as family and my mom, the others" I wave my hand "not so much as I care, besides they think their better than everyone anyways"

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