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"They'll be here in four days" Alice tells us how the newborn army is coming here.

"Did you see anyone you recognize" I look into Alice's vision with dad, their passing around Bella's scent. Riley Biers but another person, is that Victoria?

"No, maybe one" Alice mumbles, we are all here minus mom and the kids.

"He's a local" dad nods his head in agreement recognizing Riley "he didn't start this"

"Who ever is is playing with the blind spots in your vision" Carlisle starts pacing.

"Victoria" everyone looks at me "I saw her, she was hiding but she was there" looking around "she must have someone cloak her"

"A powerful shield" dad agrees with me, Bella just sitting worried about herself as usual and also about her chances of turning.

"Either way the army's coming and their aren't enough of us to protect the whole town" Jasper comments, Jacob looks between all of us confused. Does he not know? Doesn't he pay attention?

"Hold up" stoping everyone "what damn army?"

"Newborns our kind" Carlisle bluntly states

"Do you honestly not pay attention?" Crossing my arms at him

"What are they after?" Embry asks

"They were passing around Bella's scent" I tell them "and before you ask Jacob, it means their after Bella because she is a danger magnet" Jacob growls at me and Bella is pissed and hurt.

"What does this mean?" Jacob asks the most stupidest question ever, does he think with his dick? I'm curious as to how tightly Bella has his dick in her hand.

"Means and ugly fight" Carlisle tells Jacob "lots of lives lost" Jacob looks to Quil then Embry, nodding their heads

"Alright" Jacob speaks for them "we're in"

"No way" Bella argues secretly loving the attention, I have to wrap my arms around Felix keeping me settled. "You'll get yourselves killed"

"I wasn't asking my for permission" I zone out breathing in my mates scent.

"Dani" I look over to dad "do you think you can help?"

"No" Felix cuts in "my mate isn't fighting"

"Why the hell not?" Jacob demands "she's a Cullen, Bella's part of her family" Felix and I both scoff at that "she needs to help"

"I need to help?" He nods his head "I am not helping that blood whore" pointing to Bella "she has done nothing but bring pain to my family, she stabbed me back in Italy because dad didn't tell her about me" Bella looks down ashamed "and all she's focused on is getting her immortality. She has the audacity to have me fight risking mine and my unborn children's lives. And she doesn't care about you, I can read her mind and she only thinks of you as a friend"

"Liar" Jacob growls "you know nothing"

"Another kid?" Dad asks standing up glaring at Felix "I thought I said not for another three centuries"

"Edward" Carlisle scolds "not the time" looking at my mate "Felix do you think you can help train us?"

"Of course" nodding his head
I'm currently sitting on the ground looking at Emmett getting his ass kissed by Jasper. Soon Bella and dad arrive, we had mom bring the kids back to Shadow Hills today for their safety. Paul and Embry were upset but understanding since their imprints lives were potentially in danger. Soon the wolves arrive in their wolf forms, I smile and wave at them.

"Can you translate for us?" Carlisle asks dad looking at the wolves "welcome, Jasper and Felix have experience with newborns which is how we'll defeat them"

"They want to know how the newborns differ from us" dad says, Bella is by Alice watching the whole thing.

"Their a great deal stronger because their own human blood still lingers in their tissue" soon he raises his voice "our kind is never more physically powerful than within our first few months in this life"

"They want to know about Dani" the wolves and other look at me "why isn't she fighting and why she doesn't use her powers?"

"Is that really from all of them or just a certain wolf with a major hard on for Bella?" Emmett, Felix, Rose and Jasper snicker at my comment while most of the wolves also laugh. Looking at them "I'm not fighting because I don't want to risk my child's life" putting a hand on my belly "also I've unfortunately been tasked with defending Bella in the mountains" glaring at her then turning to them "don't blame me if she falls to her death" a russet wolf growls and snaps his teeth at me.

"Jacob wants to know why you hate Bella" I'm not bothering answering, I just wave my hand and leave "where are you going?"

"Anywhere but here" looking at dad "if you want to save your blood whore then fine but dad leave me out of this"

"I'm coming with" Felix comes to my side "my mate and baby need me more than you do" grabbing my hand we run away from the others.

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