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A few months later

"Can I open my eyes now?" Felix had me put on a blind fold, I've had it in for a half an hour before Felix has me walk somewhere.

"Okay" he takes the blind fold off "now open" I open my eyes and I see this beautiful house. I think we're in the backyard since I see a pool and hot tub.

I then go to the front and see the front porch

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I then go to the front and see the front porch. I'll see the inside of the house later.

"It's amazing" looking to Felix

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"It's amazing" looking to Felix

"The best part" he tells me "is that there's two more bedrooms that what I originally planned"

"It still hurts" giving Felix a peck on the lips "so no more kids for a very long time" he just smiles "I mean it, no more babies until I can no longer remember the pain"

"So no more babies?" Nodding my head "fine, no more babies" I smile "until you tell me you want more" sighing I shake my head.
Five years later

"Leah! Demetri!" I hug the both of them, but am careful with Leah. When they arrived they told us they had a surprise to show us. The kids are luckily at sleepovers, except for our three youngest who are being watched by mom and dad.

"Congratulations" Felix congratulates his friend.

"Thanks" Demetri goes back over and puts his hand on Leah's pregnant belly.

"When are you due? What's the gender? Names?" Rapid fire questions come by.

"Slow down" Leah laughs "I'm due in a few months, we're expecting a boy and no names yet"

"Oh" squealing with excitement I can't believe life is like this. Life has become different since what happened a five years ago.

Marcus and my grandma Daisy got married a few years ago, about a year after the confrontation. They are now the leaders of the vampire world, the remaining members of the Volturi remain in Volterra. They were all grateful for us sparing them. Charlie Swan tried to kill us because Bella died, so we had to kill him. Or Felix did, he snapped his neck.

My parents have decided to move back to Forks permanently, the Cullens still live in their home in Forks. The Denali's came down and are living in Forks too. We've successfully turned La Push into a supernatural human coexisting town, now we're trying to add Forks.

My ex Stryker, he turned out to be Heidi's mate so he lives in Volterra with her. They visit sometimes to see the kids, and his other kids but yeah. Sometimes it's awkward at first but now not so much.

My kids have been somewhat nice, North turned out to be Jane and Alec's mate. Lucinda we actually had to send to a boarding school for something that happened which I don't want to discuss, it hurts to even think about what we had to do. The twins have displayed powerful magic, especially Silver. We believe she'll do great things, all of our children but Silver there's something about her that screams she'll become a very powerful Wizard. Ryker we know is going to be a troublemaker, we made the mistake of letting Emmett watch Ryker. Now Ryker is pulling pranks, like dumping water on people or them getting hit with stink bombs.
Ten years later

The kids are all grown up. Charlie, Silver and Ryker are now teenagers. Ryker like I thought before is a trouble maker, turns out he has his own gang in school and we heard he's now a bigger player than Demetri. Charlie and Embry have just started to date. Silver also but not one guy, she is dating five which just gave Felix a field day. Lucinda and Paul are expecting their first child and North is currently traveling with the twins.

It took a long time but we managed to turn Forks into a supernatural human coexisting town. The residents didn't take it too well at first but they came around soon enough. Daisy and Marcus visited a few months back with the news of them expecting a child.

Mom and dad are finally getting married this summer, a beach wedding. They are also deciding to have another baby so I can't wait to meet my new brother or sister. Speaking of sisters, Nessie and Jacob are living in the old Black residence expecting their third child. They got married when Nessie turned sixteen, had their first child before Nessie turned seventeen.

Right now I'm wearing some black lingerie, I want another baby. Felix was right, I want another kid. I miss raising babies, oh I miss it. I soon hear the door open and Felix calls for me "in the bedroom!"

"Hey" he just comes in and sees me on the bed "what's going on?"

"You were right" motioning with my finger for him to come closer "all those year ago" tilting his head "I do want more kids" he smiles as I lean back and open my legs. Soon he rushes over and kisses me.

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