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Right now Felix and I are heading to Volterra to introduce the kids to the kings, Aro has been dying to meet North, Lucinda and the twins but now with the new edition he basically ordered to meet them at once. Demetri and Leah are also here, we managed to keep Paul and Embry back in La Push for their own safety.

"What if they don't like us?" Lucinda asks nervous, we're outside a different entrance to the castle. One where humans don't come in and out of.

"They will" Felix promises her, he has Ryker strapped to his chest. It's a sight to see, the almighty executioner with a baby strapped to his chest. The twins are in a stroller while Lucinda holds Demetri's hand and North is holding Leah's.

"I should be the one worrying" Leah comments "after all I am the wolf"

"I won't let them harm you" Demetri pulls his mate in for a reassuring kiss. As we head inside some of the lower guards are free so they stare at us as we walk to the throne room. Everyone we pass I hear their thoughts of why there are children with us. Once we reach the throne room we all hear Caius yell "WHY DO I SMELL WET DOG?!" Demetri grabs Leah's hand.

When we go inside the kings look at us, it isn't a trial so they were doing whatever. Marcus sighing sadly on his throne, Aro reading a book and Caius standing also reading a book.

"Ah, Felix" looking between his two guards he comes over "Demetri how lovely, and these must be the children" looking over to Leah he looks confused "my dear who are you and why do you smell like a dog?"

"She's my mate" Demetri says, Marcus looks over and raises his hand and Aro goes over to take it. I look into his mind and he is showing the mate bond between the two "and the wet dog smell is because she is a wolf shifter"

"What?!" Caius asks outraged, Aro goes over and puts a hand on his shoulder

"Shifter brother, not a werewolf" looking over at us "I assume it's a genetic trait and not a curse?" We nod our heads

"How is the gene activated?" Caius crosses his arms

"Being near vampires" Leah explains, the kings stared at her shocked "I wouldn't be a shifter if a vampire wasn't near my presence or my packs"

"Good to know" Aro comes over "May I see what's been happening? And is Bella a vampire?"

"Yes" nodding our heads we also scowl which doesn't go unnoticed.

"Mom, dad" Lucinda explains "Demetri and Leah don't like Bella"

"They were hoping she slip up" North whispers knowing we can hear him. Caius has a smile on his face.

"Oh!" We see two women come in "are these the children?" A young blonde and brunette come in.

"Leah, Dani, children these are our wives and mates" Caius introduces us "Athenadora is my mate and Sulpacia is Aro's mate"

"Leah, Dani, children these are our wives and mates" Caius introduces us "Athenadora is my mate and Sulpacia is Aro's mate"

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"Oh they are adorable" Athenadora gushes coming over "may I hold one?"

"Sure" nodding my head I grab Charlie "this is Charlotte but we call her Charlie" looking over to Sulpacia "do you want to hold Silver?" She nods her head enthusiastically, I laugh and grab Silver and carefully hand her to Sulpacia.

I look to see Lucinda go over to Marcus, the two stare at each other before Lucinda goes and gives Marcus a hug. He returns the hug before she pulls back, we all stare at her "you look like you needed a hug and Daisy always said a hug helps"

"Who's Daisy?" Marcus asks

"Our great grandmother" North answers as Aro finishes seeing North's thoughts.

"She has you call her Daisy?" Athenadora asks

"She insisted" I let out a chuckle "she doesn't like people knowing she has grand or great grand kids" then we hear a blast from outside startling the kings. Aro and Caius put themselves in front of their mates. "That would be Daisy now" then said woman comes in, unlike my mother and I, Daisy has dark hair. We get some of her facial features but we mostly get the eyes from Daisy. Daisy is currently in a middle aged white dress with a crown of red flowers on her head.

"Oh there's my grand and great grand babies" she has a Scottish accent, another difference

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"Oh there's my grand and great grand babies" she has a Scottish accent, another difference. I have a New York accent while mom has a French accent since she grew up in France.

"Daisy!" They scream and run into her open arms.

"Sorry about the crash" she says to the kings, I notice them staring at her intently "I like making big entrances if my granddaughter didn't tell you"

"Didyme?" Sulpacia softly asks if she could cry I'm guessing she would, Daisy looks confused.

"I'm sorry but who's Didyme?" Shaking her head "who wants candy?"

"Me!" The kids raise their hands and Daisy laughs, ignoring the vampires in the room. I go over to Daisy as she finishes giving the kids candy.

"Hi Daisy" we hug before she notices Ryker "do you want to meet him?"

"Of course" she goes over and takes Ryker from Felix. The Volturi members just stare at her in shock, I look to see that their all thinking the same thing is she Didyme's reincarnation?

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