The Battle Royale

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The next morning all of the contenders gathered in the center of the arena while Sinoshi went to meet up with Daimyo on the balcony. When she arrived Daimyo lightly grasped her hand and kissed it gently in greeting.

"Did you sleep well my dear Sinoshi? I see you have decided to bring only your sword today."

"Yes I figured it would be reasonable enough for me to only bring my sword today, and I slept peacefully last night." Smiling to her new friend and taking his offered arm they walked to their seats to watch the floating referee appear to start the tournament.

"Welcome to the 2nd round of the 'Battle Nexus Tournament' today all fighters will be paired at random, the arena you stand in will pair each contestant up by putting a barrier up between you, your opponent, and the other contenders leaving you to fight your opponent without interruptions from other fighters when you have won your fight the arena will shift to move you to another opponent at the end of the day only two contenders will be left to fight for the title of champion tomorrow, so good luck and let the fight begin."


The gong sounds off and the arena creates it barriers for the contestants to be paired up. Looking for Kinji, Sinoshi noticed a fighter dressed in full armor wearing a three spiked samurai helmet with a metal face mask making it impossible to see his face, he fought with a two blade claw on one hand as well as a ninja sword, studying his moves she did not recognize his techniques or fighting style at all she knew was that he was trouble and one to look out for during the fights.

Continuing her search for her fellow warrior she found him fighting a weird creature she couldn't even begin to describe, as the fights continued she kept a weary eye on the armored fighter while she cheered her comrade on, several fights in to the tournament however, Kinji was defeated by a impressive opponent that was so huge nothing seemed to effect him, all he did was pick up who ever he was against and squeezed them until they vanished from the ring to be sent to the infirmary for their injuries to be treated or hit them with his hand so that they flew into a barrier hard enough to be knocked out.

Saddened by Kinji's loss she continued to watch the fights after the referee informed her of his well being. Watching the armored fighter now, she saw him defeat fighter after fighter and if a opponent was too strong he would use a under hand technique to cheat and distract his opponent to win, seeing as the only rule was not to kill your opponent he didn’t get disqualified, before long the arena was lowering the last of the barriers to reveal the two fighters that would compete in the final fight the next day the floating referee appeared to announce the fighters.

"Going on to the 3rd and final round is Earth-lander Oroku Saki a master of Ninjutsu from New York and Tiranian fighter from the land of giants, Sroweth give it up for the fighters and we will see you tomorrow for the final match."

"So my dear who do you think will win tomorrow's fight?"

"Oroku Saki for sure, even though Sroweth defeated his opponents by simply squeezing them or batting them into a wall, he will still lose tomorrow."

"And what makes you confident in your choice my sweet Sin?"

"Watching Oroku Saki during his fights, he cheats if he starts to lose his fights."

"I agree with you, do you know Ninjutsu, Sin?"

"No, I was forced to leave Japan before I could learn and China did not have true masters of Ninjutsu for me to lean from and all though I have never trained in Ninjutsu I did vow to learn all fighting styles to become one of the greatest warriors in the world, but I don't want to be trained by him, he holds no honor when he fights. He reminds me of my days as a assassin."

"So what will you do to learn Ninjutsu?"

"I will try to find another teacher one with honor."

"What if you can't find a suitable master to train with?"

"If I can't then I will train under him but I will fight with honor." Smiling at Sinohsi, Daimyo was truly amazed by her fierce spirit.

"Sin, when the tournament ends I would like to keep in touch with you while you travel until you return to participate in the next tournament yourself, if that is okay with you?"

"I would love that, but how?"

"I will send a scroll with you to take with you where ever you go in your travels. When I write to you it will appear on the scroll and when you wish to write back to me just tap the bottom of the open scroll lightly three times and the letters will disappear to give you a blank scroll to write on, when you are finished simply roll the scroll closed and it will appear on its twin scroll that I will have."

Smiling to each other they agreed to write each other until she returned in three years to fight in the tournament. Leaving to go find her comrade Sinoshi held the scrolls she was given close to her breast so not to accidentally drop them, one scroll was for the letters from Daimyo the other was instructions on how to make the portal to get back in three years, making her way to the inn she met up with Kinji on the way. Entering the inn together they went into their shared room and after putting away the scrolls in her pack the two warriors talked about the fights and went to go eat dinner before they retired for the night.

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