Hamato Yoshi

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After seven more fights Sinoshi stood ready for her next opponent to arrive but after two minutes of waiting she put away her weapon to wait and see what would happen next.


Hearing the gong she looked around for Gyoji, "And with all fights now over I give you the two final competitors for the 3rd and final round tomorrow."

As her was talking the arena let down it's barriers to reveal Sinoshi and her opponent, glancing to her fellow fighter she was slightly shocked 'A fellow human?... Is that a rat?' shaking off her thoughts she tuned back in to what Gyoji was saying.

"Fighting for the title of 'Battle Nexus Champion' is Earth-lander from New York and master of Ninjutsu, Hamato Yoshi!!! And his opponent a fellow Earth-lander from no where in particular, the warrior known for all fighting types, 'The Warrior Assassin' Sinoshi!!! We are going to be in for a wonderful fight tomorrow, let's wish our fighters good luck and let the best fighter win. See you all at tomorrow's match!"Sinoshi glanced over at Hamato Yoshi once again and thought 'Ninjutsu master!?!' just as she started Yoshi's way she was stopped by a warm hand on her shoulder, looking back at the person she smiled.

"Congratulations my dear on making it to the finals you fought as if you were dancing it was breath taking, are you ready to go eat and celebrate my dear?"

"In just a moment my love I want to speak with Hamato Yoshi about possibly teaching me Ninjutsu after the tournament." She replied smiling at her future husband.

"Very well my dear, I shall wait for you in the dining area." Removing his mask he brought her hand to his lips and gently kiss his bride's knuckles after he lowered her hand he was surprised when she stood up on tiptoe and kiss his cheek in parting. Sinoshi smiled at Daimyo's dazed expression after she kissed his cheek, it was the first time that she had kissed him since his proposal, giggling she turned to go speak with Master Yoshi.

"Pardon me Master Yoshi?"

"Yes? Ahh Miss Sinoshi, how may I help you?" recognizing his opponent for tomorrow Yoshi was curious as to why the young warrior sought him out.

"Master Yoshi I was wondering if it would be possible for you to teach me the art of Ninjutsu after the tournament is over?"

"I am curious, why do you wish to learn, are you not 'The Warrior Assassin' known for all fighting types?"

"Yes that much is true I am all that was claimed, but I have yet to learn Ninjutsu and to truly be a master of all fighting styles I still have more to learn, and I cannot complete my vow unless I do so."

"Hmmm... Very well, tomorrow during the fight I would like for you to give it your all, prove to me that you truly wish to learn and we shall talk more after the tournament is over."

"Yes, thank you Master Yoshi" bowing in respect to him she then asked,

"Ummm... Master Yoshi, if I my be so bold as to ask, why is there a rat on your shoulder?"

Laughing at her question he replied, "This is Splinter, my companion for many years, he comes everywhere with me."

"Oh how adorable, well thank you once again I shall see you tomorrow." bowing once again in farewell Sinoshi left to go eat with Daimyo after Yoshi bowed in return to her, not noticing Splinter copying his master.

Arriving in the palace Sinohsi was led to be room that Daimyo where to eat in upon arriving to the room Daimyo  wrapped her in a hug and asked, "So my dear what did Hamato Yoshi say?"

"He said that we will discuss him training me more tomorrow if I give it my all during the fight and prove to him that I really want to learn from him."

"Well considering you never back down from a challenge I think that you will do fine, and since you have agreed to marry me let us discuss when you would like to get married."

"I think we should hold the ceremony after I master Ninjutsu if I win tomorrow if I lose then we will hold it after the next tournament."

"You have no arguments from me my dear, I shall miss you while you are gone though." Daimyo turned her around and brought his fingers under her chin to angle her lips up so he could bring his down to meet hers in a soft sweet kiss, as he was about to pull away she stopped him by wrapping her arms gently around his neck and deepened the kiss sighing in content they soon parted and gazed into each others eyes not wanting the moment to end until the sound of her stomach growling startled them both and made then laugh and step away from each other to go eat.

The following morning Sinoshi walked into the middle of the arena and saw Master Yoshi approaching from a separate entrance without Splinter looking behind him she saw him standing at the edge of the arena, as soon as they both reached the center of the arena they bowed in greetings to each other and waited for Gyoji to appear.

"Welcome back to the 3rd and final match, it is time to see who will be crowned this years 'Battle Nexus Champion', our two finalists this year are Ninjutsu master Hamato Yoshi, and 'The Warrior Assassin' Sinoshi. Now let's get this fight on the way and see who is going to be victorious, so let the match begin!"

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