Battle Nexus Princesses

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Seeing his bride looking at the babies in the mothering way gave Daimyo a idea, "May I present our daughters, the Princesses of 'The Battle Nexus', Princess Luna, Princess Rea, Princess Dani and Princess Mia." Picking up the remaining two babies on the floor he stood and walked towards Sinoshi who was stunned at his announcement.

"We are going to adopt them? Really!?!?!" happily bouncing on the balls of her feet cautious of the two babies in her arms giggling at the movement she caused them.

"I can't think of a better home for them than here, and I would be happy to have such beautiful daughters to call our own. I will call some servants to prepare a nursery near our room for them to sleep in, but for now let's get them some cloth and make headbands and bows for them so they can be told apart."

Sinoshi smiled and giggled at the sight of the big man she loved being turned to mush in front of her by the two babies he held, giggling more when she saw him cooing and making faces at them while they walked towards their shared room to wait for the servants to bring them the cloth they needed to make the bows and headbands while the nursery was being set up.

They chose yellow for Mia since it portrayed her happy personality, a pale purple or lavender for curious Dani, light pink for Rea, who loves attention, and light blue for Luna who was always calmer than the rest of the girls. Daimyo and Sinoshi decided that when they are old enough they would be taught how to defend themselves and how to fight by Sinoshi so that if they chose to they could participate in the tournament as well when they are ready and to be able to protect themselves and the realm along side their father if ever the need arised.

The next day Sinoshi walked out into the arena to start the second day of the tournament, looking up at the balcony she giggled seeing her love sitting in his chair with their new daughters in his lap wearing his mask, or at least trying to, Mia and Rea where trying to pull it off of his face to play with it succeeding in only knocking it sideways on his face, Dani was reaching for his staff trying to pull it towards herself to figure out what it is and to play with it, Luna on the other hand was excited and leaned forward on his lap trying to get a better view of the arena, knowing that something interesting was about to happen.

The four turtles where now the size of toddlers, all with a head full of hair, Luna and Dani both had brown hair that matched their eyes, Rea had a red tint in hers and Mia had blonde streaks to her brown hair, they now wore bows holding their hair back from their faces, and tended to be very mischievous when no one was looking wearing small dresses similar to night gowns since their kimonos haven't been made yet. Turning back towards the arena the saw many new opponents but none looked very intimidating, seeing Gyoji appear she readied her self to fight with everything she had so that she could win this years tournament.

"Welcome everyone to this years 'Battle Nexus Tournament' as most of you already know today is all about the 'Battle Royale' between all competitors lasting until only two fighters remain and those two will go on to the third and final round to see who will become this years 'Champion'. The arena will randomly pair you up and separate each fight with a barrier when your fight is done you will be moved to your next opponent, now let the battle begin!"


Hearing the gong Sinoshi prepared for her fight, shifting her weight to keep her balance as the arena shifted, she attacked as soon as she saw her opponent draw his weapon quickly darting forward she quickly used Tai Chi to immobilize him quickly ending the match and waited for the arena to take her to her next opponent, she was surprised that it took five minutes before the arena started to shift taking her to her next fight.

Wanting to get the fights done quickly, she gave her opponent no chance to take control of the match and pushed him back with strong hits from her samurai sword against his own blade, as soon as his back hit the wall she twisted his blade from his grasp and it flew through the air, as it was landing in the arena's floor Sinoshi had her blade at the fighter’s neck, her opponent disappeared and the arena shifted to take her to the next fight. Several fights later Sinoshi punched her final opponent it the face causing him to fly into the barrier and disappear ending the match.


"And that concludes the final match of the 2nd round of 'The Battle Nexus' and heading to the final round is Stylothiean from Xanth, Orgeth, and returning finalist, master of all fighting styles, 'The Warrior Assassin' Earth-lander Sinoshi! Let's hear it for this years fighters and we will see you tomorrow for the final fight for the title of 'Champion'."

Leaving in a hurry after the announcement to go to the balcony and help her love with the babies who seem to be giving him a hard time. Giggling at the sight before her as soon as she walked on to the balcony, she saw her love holding Mia under his arm with Luna on his shoulders while trying to catch Dani and Rea who where running around his feet carrying his staff between the two of them playing keep away from their adoptive father. Laughing at their antics Sinoshi walked forward and snuck up on the two running from their father and wrapped her arms around their little bodies and pulled them into a hug after she startled them into dropping the staff, blowing raspberries on their cheeks before standing causing them to giggle she carried them over to Daimyo and he gave her a grateful kiss.

"Thank you my love, your fights show how much you have improved, you didn't even break a sweat and your fights where the shortest amongst all of the others."

"So you where able to watch me fight, I thought the girls caused you problems the entire time." Giggling at exhausted look he gave her, she shifted Rea to the same arm as Dani and bent to pick up his staff and gave it to him so that the could go and eat.

"Actually they didn't cause any problems when the fights started, they seemed to enjoy the tournament as much as I did."

"Mommy!!!" Sinoshi looked at Luna just before she launched herself at Sinoshi's chest quickly catching her with her still open arm, she was startled by the fact that she just spoke for the first time. "Mommy fight!!! I fight too!" She said happily and raised her little fist in front of herself and put on a serious face like she was about to fight that was too adorable for Sinoshi to handle, squeezing Luna close and kissing her on the cheek she replied.

"Yes, Luna I did fight and I will fight tomorrow too, you and your sisters will learn how to fight when you are old enough and you can compete in the tournament yourselves."

"That's right my dear daughters, now let us go eat I am sure that Mommy is hungry."

"Yay!!!! Food!!!" Mia shouted in a happy squeal, laughing at her reaction they left the balcony and went to go eat.

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