Fighting Master Ginko

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Beginning their training with Master Ginko the girls spent the next six months perfecting their skills and speed when attacking and dodging multiple attacks at one time. Master Ginko was a very fast opponent it was fairly noticeable why he is able to fight leopards with ease, no matter how fast the girl's attacks were he was still able to dodge. Seeing that the girls were training how to take down a faster opponent without weapons at the moment it proved harder than they thought it would be in the beginning but since they kept up the extra training they were soon able to match Master Ginko's moves and attacks perfectly.

"I submit defeat, great job Yuki, using your smaller size and speed to throw me off was a smart move, Luna your turn to try to take me down. Remember if all of you can defeat me you will be ready to try your skills against the Carathorns, once you master defeating a opponent that is faster than you without a weapon then it will be much easier with your chosen weapon. Now come Luna let us begin."

Quickly attacking, Luna was soon able to pin her master within a few moments quickly ending the fight with him in a strong head lock with his arms locked above his head so that he was unable to fight back Luna's grip  was impossible to break with her on his back and her legs wrapped around his waist, leaning back she caused them to land on the ground where he had no leverage to use against her so that he could escape, submitting defeat once again Luna released him so that he could stand.

"Nicely done Luna a very quick defeat, now Dani your turn, begin." Quickly crouching on the floor like a leopard he jumped towards Dani trying to knock her down and pin her, he was not expecting her to fall back with his attack and launch him over her by planting her feet into his stomach to throw him and launch herself off her back by flipping up as she kicked him off making herself land on Ginko pining him with her feet on his thighs pressing down to keep him from launching her off with his feet and pining his arms by placing them under her knees and holding them in place with one hand so he couldn't pull them out to attack, her other hand quickly shot to his throat in a gentle but firm grip to show victory. Nodding at her to let him up, Master Ginko submitted defeat once again.

"Impressive move Dani very well done, three wins so far two left let's continue then, Rea you are up."

Once again getting ready to attack Ginko charged forward to attack Rea, getting close enough to strike he noticed that she had yet to move, mentally preparing for a surprise attack he followed through with his attack bring his arm forward aiming for her face only to have Rea quickly grab his wrist in one hand and with her other hand under his arm pit she used his momentum against himself and flipped him, keeping a hold on his wrist with both hands Rea wrapped her legs around his head and arm to pin him as soon as his back hit the floor. Reaching up with his free hand to try to pry Rea's legs off he was soon submitting defeat when she quickly grabbed his free hand in one of her's and pulled his fingers back just enough to cause pain instead of breaking them.

"Well done Rea, brute force can lead to a quick victory as long as you keep strategy while attacking, you can come up with various moves to use against any opponent no matter the size, now Mia let us begin shall we?"

"Of course Master Ginko"

Circling each other slowly Master Ginko waited for a sign that Mia was about to attack, seeing her tense slightly he quickly rushed forward to try to throw her of by his sudden attack only to find himself on his stomach with Mia perched on his back pinning one arm between her leg and his back and both of his legs trapped in her arms pulled against her chest while one foot rested on his wrist pinning it to the floor.

"Once again I submit defeat, great job Mia pretending that you where about to charge to trick your opponent into making the first move and then swooping down into a leg sweep to trip me so that you could jump on me for a hog tie pin and very unique maneuver. Very well done all of you, you  all have successfully beat me be sure to rest up tomorrow you will begin training with your preferred weapons against me and when you are capable of defeating me you will travel to Glatoras to try you hands against the Carathorns. You are dismissed."

Leaving the training room the girls where very excited that they would be traveling to a new realm even if it was to fight giant man eating, cannibal lizards.

Having just celebrated Yuki's 12th birthday and not long after the 10th birthday for Mia, Luna, Dani, and Rea, in about four more months the twins Ue and Sonya will be turning 8, all of the villagers that have heard of their progress it is hard for them to believe that five of the six princesses are preparing to fight wild animals that are extremely dangerous and at such a young age, but if the Lord and Lady deem them ready then they must be amazing fighters considering all of the young male warriors have yet to return from the gladiator training. It seems that the Lord Daimyo made the right decision naming them the realm's future protectors with how fast they are learning, any within the realm that have heard of the Princesses are proud to have them as their future protectors and know that the youngest princess and prince will make them proud when they become Ultimate Ninjas themselves.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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