The Biggest Wedding Ever

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As soon as she was able Sinoshi left to go to the balcony with her family, as soon as she was noticed she was attacked in a group hug.

"Mommy that was awesome, can you teach us how to do that?" Luna asked in awe at how easily her mom defeated the big guy.

"How did you do that?" Dani just couldn't seem to figure out how her mom was able to take out such a big fighter.

"Yeah that guy was huge!!!!" Mia's eyes where still huge from the sheer size of the man.

"Mommy you are super strong, I wanna be as strong as you when I'm older." Rea seemed determined to become just as amazing as her mother, the fact that she defeated a guy that huge with no problem that fast was just awesome in her eyes.

"In time I will teach you four everything I know and you all will become 'Warrior Assassins', although I don't want you to use the assassin skills to win a fight, that skill will only be used in times of great war when your opponent is truly evil and there is no other way to protect your home, people or family. Understand?"

"Yes, Mommy" All four girls replied at the same time, none liking the fact that someone could threaten their family.

"Let's got get ready for the ceremony and crown your mother 'Champion', and afterwards we will start preparing for the wedding that will take place next week."

"Ok Daddy, but whats a wedding?" Dani asked since all of the girls where confused.

"A wedding is marriage between two people, usually between a man and woman, who love each other and want to become family and never leave each other, as well as having children together to make their family bigger." Daimyo replied to his curious daughter.

"Ok so who is getting 'marriage' next week?" The ever curious Dani asked.

"Well me and your mother are getting married."

"Ummm... What's 'married' and what does it have to do with 'marriage'?"

Laughing at the situation the Daimyo got himself in, Sinoshi shook her head and lead her family to the ceremony while Daymio tried to answer every question little Dani was asking him in regards to marriage and weddings, only to double over in laughter when she asked how children where made, causing her father to turn red and sputter in confusion and embarrassment on how to handle the question. The girls just stopped and stared in confusion at both of their parents reactions to Dani's question not understanding the problem or joke.

"We will explain that answer when you are older little ones."

"How much older do we have to be?"

"I'll tell you when I know you are ready sweetie." Feeling sorry for Daimyo, Sinoshi finally stopped laughing to reply to Dani's question for him.

"Okay Mommy."

"Okay, now let's go to the ceremony and then we will go eat when it is over." Getting cheers of excitement they continued on to the ceremony and about an hour later they sat down to eat and talk about the wedding plans.

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