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Recap:aman leaves from there wiping his tears and roshni stands there confused..

Asha comes towards roshni and brings roshni back into reality by keeping her hand on roshni's shoulder...

Asha:roshni beta..come with me..I want to introduce you to some guets..

Roshni nods and leaves with asha..

Aman sits near the bar counter and starts drinking...he closes his eyes and some flashes of roshni comes across his thoughts..he smiles to himself..

Aman in different is our lives..we keep on meeting to be destinied but destiny keeps on seprating us proving that we aren't destined..I was very unlucky to not to express my love to the person who is infront of me and pretending to hate her the utmost..kya karu jaan?pyaar hai mere tu..

He starts drinking again and sees roshni and asha going towards a group of ladies...
On the other hand,

Asha:roshni..they are our them..

Roshni:namaste aunty..

Everyone smile and look at each other..
Lady 1:arey are so lucky to have a beautiful daughter in like her.. perfect match for aman..

Asha smiles and looks at roshni and speaks..
Asha:roshni is beautiful in and out..yes she is really a perfect match for aman...

Roshni doesn't say anything..

Lady 2:leave it how beautiful is's her first anniversary and when will she plan for a child??

Lady 3:who knows she isn't planning as her beauty may fade...

Roshni:aunty jii..please don't speak without knowing..I and my husband know when to plan and we were giving time and space to each other...

Lady 4:asha...may be she is beautiful but you aren't lucky to get her..see her thoughts..who knows whats happening with them?I was observing her from begining of the party..I think she is trying to control your son..

Aman comes and interrupts the lady...
Aman(drunken state):my dear aunty..iam not a toy to be controlled and it's ok if my dear wife wants to control me let her..what's your problem in this..

Lady 1:asha..see your son is only accepting definitely your daughter in law controlling him and keeping restrictions for the family planning...

Roshni gets tears listening there taunts..she leaves from there to her room..
Aman:no one will taunt my wife one more..this..aman singhania will never hear one word against his wife..who the hell said she is restricting me..aunty jii you are forgetting that iam a man and I can do anything....this is what you believe right...we know when to plan and what to more interaction in our personal lives..just chill in the party...

A barrer passes from there...
Aman: barrer get some cool drinks to these ladies..they are taking out there daughter in law frustration on someone's dil(daughter in law)..

Aman leaves from there giving cold look to the ladies...

In Roshan's room....
Roshni cries and remembers the ladies taunts and how they blamed her...she destructs the room and sits there closing her eyes....aman comes there and closes the door..

Roshni:why did you interfere in middle?I know how to argue when there was no fault of mine...due to your interference they taunted me more..

Aman comes and pins her against the wall..
Aman:this aman will never hear a word against his wife..

Roshni:so now you remembered that iam your wife?? When did you give me such rights mr.singhania..??if you give me the rights may be Today I would not be blamed..not only these everyone was taunting the you know your mom thinks the same..??

Aman:so what do you expect from me mrs.singhania??

Roshni looks into his eyes and aman gets his answer from her and kisses roshni on her lips...he holds her in his arms and leaves towards bed...they both gets intimate..


                          STAY TUNED!!!

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