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Recap: aman and roshni kisses each other

Aman breaks the kiss and looks at roshni..roshni hugs aman..aman smiles...

Aman in mind:may be this is the beginning I wanted to have...

Roshni and aman drive back to there house and none of them talks with each other..both of them recall there sweet memory and smiles..

Roshni in mind:and now i got the answer...I wasn't been normal because I fell in love with him...this is my answer..i love aman.. tomorrow I will say to him and will start our new start...

She looks at Aman and smiles...aman and roshni arrives to the house..aman is parking the car and he receives the call...

Aman:hello..who is this??


Aman gets shocked and happy tears form from his eyes..

Aman: are you..??

Ayaan:Bhai..iam good..sorry I wasn't in contact..

Aman:where were you ayaan!?do you know how much we worried for you??

Ayaan:Bhai actually I was working in a place where I cannot get the signal so it's been long ..

Aman:ayaan..are you coming for the marriage..!?

Ayaan:sorry Bhai I can't come..i will surely come soon..

Aman:ok take care ayaan..
Ayaan:ok Bhai you too...

Ayaan hangs up the call and aman leaves to inside...he comes to his room and finds it empty..

Aman in mind:where is roshni..!??

He comes to balcony and sees roshni drying her hair..he gets mesmerized by her and stands there looking at her... suddenly roshni turns and raises her eyebrows at Aman who is still busy day dreaming about roshni..

Roshni was about to leave but aman holds her hand...he drags her towards him and holds her..roshni smiles at him..he slowly comes towards her and places a kiss on her cheeck..

Suddenly door opens and Sara,Saima barges in...roshni and aman gets shocked seeing them and they gets separated..

Sara:sorry Bhai..i think it's that time..i already told Saima that we need to come later but This Saima told me that the door is not locked so they are free..

Saima:did i dream or what!? I thought they would be doing normal things if door is not locked..who thought this will happen..

Aman comes and holds their ears..
Sara:aww bhai...
Aman:a punishment for not knocking the door..

Saima:Bhai..first you need to get the punishment for not locking it when you want that time with your wife..and second thing is you are so much involved that you forgot to lock the door knowing very well about your sisters..


Saima runs and aman chases her..Sara and roshni laughs..Saima comes and hides behind roshni and aman tries to hold Saima..roshni laughs.. finally aman holds Saima..

Roshni:you didn't tell me why did you both came!?

Sara:bhabi i need your help in some I came to ask the help..

Roshni nods and Sara,Saima leaves with her...aman smiles to himself...he opens his laptop and sees that it's not working..

Aman in mind:oh no..i need to send those files immediately..what should I do now..

Aman remembers something and he gets a laptop to his room..he charges it and waits for it to get started..aman recieves a call and the laptop starts..

Precap:roshni to propose aman..

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