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Recap: aman leaves from there...

Next day,

Roshni gets ready and adores herself in the mirror..she smiles...Myra comes and hugs her..

Myra:all the best roshuu...

Roshni nods at her and leaves...


Aman comes to the cafe to meet ayaan...ayaan and aman hugs each other..aman places roshni's dupatta on the bench..ayaan notices it but doesn't say anything...

Everyone stares at them and they ignore.. tell me why didnt you meet me until today..??

Aman:nothing like that's just..

Ayaan:Bhai..i know you love someone right..that's why you even ignored me..

Aman blushes...

Aman:today iam going to say her what I feel..

Ayaan:all the best Bhai..i think no one can reject my Bhai..

Aman gets the call and he hurriedly leaves from there forgetting the dupatta...ayaan calls aman but aman was in busy in another phone call..water falls on ayaan's jacket and he leaves from there to change..

At park..

Roshni was nervous and roams here and there..she practices herself to speak to aman...

Roshni in mind:oh no..i don't even told my name and i didnt even asked his what should I do??

Aman was near the park entrance and he suddenly remembers that he forgot the dupatta in cafe..he tries to call ayaan but it gets switched off..aman leaves from there hurriedly....

After sometime,

Aman finds dupataa and ayaan absent in the cafe..he tries to call ayaan and wants to ask him to store the dupattaa with him...

Aman in mind:I hope ayaan only took it with him..i better leave to park...

Aman comes to the park and buys a rose for roshni...he is coming towards there usual spot and gets shocked seeing roshni hugging someone...

Rose falls out from aman's hands and tears roll down from his eyes...

Roshni:i love you veer....

It starts raining and aman looks at them faraway but not so far..aman leaves from there heartbroken...he then remembers the time when roshni spoke on the call to someone and told him she doesn't like him..

Aman in mind:may be she liked me as just friend and maybe he is the one she spoke on the call that day...she wanted to tell me good bye i think...

At evening,

Aman takes the flight to Mumbai and he doesn't even know roshni's name...he comes to his house... is the journey dear?

Aman:it's fine maa..

Sara and Tara:Bhai..we heard from ayaan Bhai that you love someone..iam damn sure it's a happy ending for you..when were you showing us bhabi..?

Asha:stop it you both..aman will bring her when time comes..leave him..

Aman comes to his room..he cries for roshni..he takes roshni's earring and friendship band and keeps it in box and locks it almirah...

Few months passes and Tania tries to talk with aman but he ignores her...Aisha is aman's intern..he introduces aisha to his family as they think that Aisha is the girl aman loves..aisha likes aman and thus proposes him and aman accepts her as he doesn't have any way...

Aisha marries Adil as her family forcefully marries her off because they don't like love marriage... everyone thinks aman is heartbroken...

Soon aman suffers from heart disease and gets admitted into hospital..after heart transfer aman gets normal..the family doesn't forces him for 3 years..after 3 years they get aman marry roshni...

Flashback ends...

Raman:what happened to aman roshni..??did you told him about anything serious..?

Roshni:i told him he is dead..

Saying this roshni leaves from there crying..Raman and asha gets shocked and looks at each other...

Doctor comes out and says that aman is fine and wants to meet Raman and asha..

Raman and asha leaves inside nervously...

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