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Recap: roshni gets shocked seeing the divorce papers...

Roshni:what is this aman..?

Aman:divorce papers roshni..i know we just acted until Sara's wedding..we aren't like normal before's just a deal between us..let's end it..

Roshni throws the papers on aman's face..she comes near him and holds his collar..

Roshni:aman..are you blind!? Can't you see the difference between acting and real emotions..i wasn't acting..i was really expressing my emotions..i thought you are also doing same..

Aman:roshni..what are you saying!?

Roshni:i love you aman..i love you..i don't know how..why..when but I love you mr. Aman singhania...

Aman gets shocked hearing roshni's words..

Aman in mind:no..that can't happen..she just likes me because...

Roshni shakes aman..

Roshni:aman..are you listening? This is the truth aman..the truth that I fell in love with you...i don't know what you feel but I feel love towards you...iam ready for our new beginnings...

Aman:no..this can't happen roshni..this can't happen!

Roshni:why aman..!?don't you love me..?I noticed that love in your eyes aman...though you don't express your untold feelings your eyes expresses it..

Aman in mind:what should I do roshni..i can't do this..i know we aren't destined together..

Aman:no..i don't love you roshni...

Roshni gets shocked with aman's confession..tears roll down from her eyes..

Aman:roshni..we aren't destined..i still loves her...i dont have any feeling for's just i care about you...

Roshni doesn't say anything and leaves from there...aman goes back inside and sees wedding is about to start...

The wedding starts and roshni stands beside aman... everyone gets happy...asha gets tears seeing her daughter getting married...

The shaadi completes and the newly weds come to everyone for there blessings...aman and roshni hugs Sara...

Asha:aman... everyone needs to leave with Sara after her bidaai to her in laws house..we need to drop her and come...

Roshni:maa..i can't come..iam not feeling well...

Asha:what happened roshni..?

Roshni:nothing maa..i think iam tired looking after everything...

Asha:take care roshni..

Saying this asha leaves and roshni tends to leave but aman holds her hand...

Aman:why can't you come...!?

Roshni doesn't answer him and frees her hand and leaves...

Aman and everyone leaves with Sara after her bidaai...roshni was alone at home..
Roshni cries in her room and thinks about there moments..

Suddenly the power gets cut...roshni picks her mobile to call watchman to switch on the generator and sees her mobile dead...
She slowly comes to downstairs.. suddenly it thunder storm starts..roshni gets scared and runs and hides in a room...

She closes her eyes and sits in the room crying..

Meanwhile, roshni and check whether she is's already midnight and it's raining heavily...we can't leave now..

Aman calls roshni and gets worried not knowing roshni's mobile was dead...

Aman calls the house help and watchman to check on roshni...

The power comes back and roshni slowly gets up and tends to leave from the room..she stops seeing something...she turns and gets shocked seeing it..

Next morning,
Aman,asha,Raman,Tara(aman's forgot the name and used it to aman's intern..aman's intern is xxx)returns home..


Roshni comes from upstairs with her bag.. everyone gets shocked seeing roshni...

Asha:roshni..are you going to your there all ok..?

Roshni:haa maa..iam going to my house but iam going to there because iam going to break my ties with this house...

Everyone gets shocked hearing it..


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