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Recap: the photographer clicks the family picture...

Next's haldi day...

Everyone grooves happily around Sara and apply haldi to her and the function takes place peacefully both akash and Sara enjoying themselves..roshni and aman stands there..roshni looks at Aman

(Note: italic font is used for variation between reality and flashes or dreams..)

Roshni and aman are looking at each other and smiling...aman promises to apply haldi on roshni and make her white dress into yellow one..roshni challanges him..aman takes haldi into his hands...roshni runs and aman chases her...roshni suddenly stops near a window for her breath and aman slowly takes steps towards her...

The white curtains fly and aman slowly touches roshni and applies haldi to his face then rub his face to roshni's cheecks which makes her shiver..he places his hand on her hand kisses slightly on her neck and roshni turns and applies the haldi to aman's other cheeck...

Suddenly Aman calls roshni to snap her from her day dreaming and roshni looks at Aman to only see him grabbing her from the ones who is throwing haldi water on them but it gets too late and makes the couple drench in the water...

Roshni smiles at Aman...aman looks at her confusingly...

After sometime,

Roshni is getting ready near the mirror for mehendi function and suddenly Aman steps out of washroom after getting freshup..roshni looks at Aman and stares intensively at his well toned body...aman's words to get him his dress snaps her into reality...

Roshni quickly gives aman his dress and execuses herself to leave room but comes again saying she forgot something..

Roshni's pov...

Oh my god..when did he even became this much handsome...roshni 🤦🏻‍♀️you haven't noticed...iam ashamed of myself for not noticing this handsome husband of mine...

After sometime,

Dhol plays around Sara and roshni receives everyone with asha...

Asha:roshni go get mehendi..

Roshni nods and leaves from there...she sits and mehendi designer starts applying mehendi to her...

Roshni thinks about aman and his behaviour towards her from her wedding with him..

Roshni in mind:though he is cold with me for his own reasons and but he is kind to me when I needed him most...i will definitely talk to aman about us on sara's wedding day for starting our new life..

Roshni smiles...

Mehendi designer:mam..what is your husband's name....


Designer writes aman but aman comes there and doesn't notice the name on her hand and says..

Aman:roshni you can write his name on your hand and cover with's ok none is going to notice it...

Tears forms in roshni's eyes...roshni tends to leave..

Aman:roshni have dinner and sleep..

Roshni:with your words my stomach already filled with happiness...

She wipes her tears and runs towards her room..none notices her..she falls on the stairs missing a step and her leg gets hit something..aman notices and tends to go towards her and roshni gets up and leaves from there...

After sometime,

Aman comes to his room to find it dark and roshni sleeping on the bed...he slowly takes first aid and applies it to her leg bandaging it...he keeps the first aid box near table beside roshni..he bends to kiss roshni on her forehead but stops seeing his name on roshni's hand....tears roll down from aman's eyes which makes roshni wake up...

Aman:roshni..why did you wrote my name..

Roshni:why that soo??didn't I have any right to write your name atleast for the family's sake....!!!

Aman doesn't say anything...roshni lays on the bed with tears and sleeps unknowingly..aman stands there looking at her..

                        STAY TUNED!!!

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