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Recap:Tanya asks roshni whether she wants to stay with aman or not..

Aman waits there for roshni's answer...

Tanya:so you still didn't forgot veer???

Roshni doesn't answer anything and aman thinks roshni's silence is the yes as a answer..tears roll down from aman's eyes...
Aman leaves from there crying..

Roshni:Tanya..veer is my past and aman is my present and future..i got in terms with it..i really want to stay with aman if he gives me a second chance but I don't think he gives it to me because he still likes aisha...

Tanya:no.. roshni couldn't you obviously see it aman desperately wants to escape from her...aisha just came back to get aman but aman is not willing to go back...

Roshni:how do you know that Tanya..??
Tanya:'s obvious that ever since he got married to you though it's nothing for him..he is loyal to you..

Roshni realises...
Tanya:you know what roshni..the ones who are cold to outside are the ones who need love the most...may be confront him...

Roshni:ok but where Is aman...??
Tanya:may be he is getting to know who the man is...I will drop you at your house..

Roshni nods..


Aman stops his car in middle of the road and he gets down from it and screams starts raining heavily... just gives me little hopes that roshni will be mine one day but I think they are just my day dreams..she still clearly loves him...but now I cannot leave her because she needs me...i better be normal and hide my feelings...

He gets into the car and drives towards his mansion....

In Roshan's room...

Roshni sits on the bed thinking about tanya's words...aman comes there..he rubs his eyes.. did you get wet..??

Aman:woh my car tyre is punctured and I just got down to repair it...
He tends to sleep...


Roshni gets towel and signs him to bend his head..roshni rubs towel on his wet hairs...
Roshni:if you sleep like this you will definitely get cold...btw thank you for everything...

Aman looks at her and roshni smiles at him...they both have a eyelock until suddenly power cut...roshni hurriedly hug aman due to fear...aman slowly hugs her and carasess her hairs..

Aman:don't worry iam there..wait I will ask them to on generator...
Aman calls watchman to on generator but watchman tells that there is some trouble with generator...

Aman:roshni woh I think it will be like this until morning....if you are afraid let's go to somewhere...
Roshni:no..i can be normal If you are this close to me..

Aman doesn't hear this properly as his thoughts run about roshni...

Roshni realises and breaks the hug...aman takes roshni towards bed and makes her lay on the bed and he too lays beside her...roshni hugs aman and sleeps peacefully while aman thinks about roshni...

Aman:you are roshni like the name may be you can bring light to everyone's life but cannot stay permanently with anyone...

Next morning,

Roshni wakes up and sees aman who is sleeping peacefully after his endless thinking...roshni unknowing stare and smile at him...roshni gets up and gets ready and leaves to downstairs....

At downstairs,

Aman comes downstairs after getting ready and sits beside roshni...
Raman:aman.. actually we forgot to discuss about this you know mr madan...his son Akshay wants to marry Sara and they met each other and wants to marry...

Sara smiles...
Raman:so I want to marry off her in a week as Akshay needs to leave to abroad for his we discussed to keep engagement tomorrow..what do you say??

Aman:it's good If Sara likes everything I don't object this.. because she needs to be perfect in choosing life partner

Sara:Akshay is a nice guy Bhai..i really like him....
Raman:then ok...roshni I hope you do these engagement preparations..

Roshni smiles and nods..


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