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Recap: roshni smiles and nods..

After sometime,

Roshni recalls Tanya's words...

Roshni in mind:i better try from my side..I will try to express to aman that I want to stay with him atleast indirectly...

She sees aman going to office...she hurriedly picks up her bag and follows aman..


Aman stops hearing roshni..

Aman:what do you want roshni..??

Roshni:aman.. actually I gave my car to garrage if you don't mind will you drop me..?

Aman nods and roshni smiles...they soon comes outside and aman tends to start the car and suddenly the car gets delivered to house...the man comes out and comes towards roshni who is sitting in aman's car.. this roshni aman Singhania's house??

Roshni:yes but I think I can use car tomorrow because it is repaired yesterday right..

Roshni signs the man to say yes but he doesn't understand it..

Man:mam..there is nothing like can perfectly use it...

Roshni glares at the man...aman looks at the man and roshni..

Roshni:achaa..what if something happens to me now when iam driving..i swear I will definitely become ghost and file case on you people...right now leave..

That man leaves from there hurriedly and she turns and looks at Aman who is staring at her..

Roshni:aman..why do you stare me with those cute do you want me to leave..don't I have right to go with my husband..

Aman gets surprised...

Aman:what did you say roshni??

Roshni realises what did she said...
Roshni:woh..nothing... someone wasted my precious time now please let me take me to office..If not my employees taunt me that iam late at my back..

Aman nods and soon he drives....roshni looks secretly at Aman and when aman tends to notice her she immediately turns and pretends she is gazing outside...

Soon roshni's office arrives and roshni struggles to ditch the seat belt...aman comes close to her with there faces inches gap and both can feel each other's breath...they share a deep intense eyelock and soon aman removes the seat belt..roshni leaves from there hurriedly...

Next day,

Roshni and her team is doing engagement preparations of Sara and roshni was doing it perfectly...she smiles and sees house decorated beautifully...

Roshni:keep that flowers at that top..wait I will see..

Roshni takes backsteps to look at the decoration and suddenly she collides with aman who is coming towards her and they both fall down accidentally...the flowers in roshni's hands falls on them...they struck into eachother..Tanya and everyone smiles at them...

Sara:wah bhai.. engagement is mine..but you and bhabhi are romancing here and taking all the attention..

With Sara's words aman and roshni comes out of the trance and stands up...they hurriedly tends to leave but end up moving in same direction which tends them to hit there foreheads eachother.. everyone laughs and aman,roshni smiles at each other...

Soon akash and his family arrive..roshni and Tara brings Sara down and Sara, akash exchanges the rings... everyone claps for them...

Roshni looks at Aman who is standing beside her and beaming happily for his sister...she smiles at him unknowingly...

Photographer tends to click a picture..

Photographer:mam and sir(indicating at Aman and roshni)please move close..

Aman and roshni moves close to each other and aman unknowingly places his hand on roshni's shoulder and roshni smiles at Aman and aman looks at roshni smilingly..amongst this the perfect picture of the couple gets clicked by photographer and later he clicks family picture...

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