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Recap: aman was speaking in the call and the laptop starts..

Suddenly it starts raining heavily and aman's
Papers flies in the air..aman hangs up the call and was picking the papers one by one..

Suddenly Aman looks at the laptop and gets shocked..the thunder storms...

Tears roll down from aman's eyes..he suddenly gets a call and he answers the call..

Someone:dr.aman..your patient needs the surgery..she is serious..please come fast..

Aman gets up and leaves the house running towards his car..roshni notices aman leaving..

Roshni:what happened to aman suddenly??where was he going in this rain..?? know it right..may be Bhai is going to hospital for emergency.. nothing more than it..

Roshni nods and involves with Sara and Saima..

On the other side,

Aman drives the car recalling everything...tears escapes from his eyes..
Aman reaches to hospital and prepares himself for the emergency..

Aman and his team operate the patient and save the patient from the danger...

Aman comes outside and he holds his forehead between his hands...he suddenly feels slight pain near his chest..his intern Tara notices it...

Tara:dr.aman..what happened..??

Aman was unable to say anything and signs his clothes..Tara runs towards dressing room and checks aman's coat to find tablets..she quickly takes water bottle and runs towards aman..

She makes aman take the tablet..aman gets relieved...

Aman:thank you so much dr.tara.. know about your condition..don't stress yourself please..don't complicate it..

Aman nods and Tara leaves from there...

At night,
Aman comes to his room and sees roshni sleeping peacefully...he sits on the couch..
A message pops out from unknown stating "it's done sir! "

Aman looks at roshni who is sleeping peacefully...

Next morning,
Roshni wakes up and finds the room empty..

Roshni in mind:may be he didn't came yesterday..

Roshni sees aman's clothes..she comes to downstairs...

Asha:roshni..aman had a emergency again so he went to hospital at morning..he told me to tell you..don't worry he will be present at shaadi..

Roshni nods..

Roshni in mind:i don't think he is upset with me because he told maa to tell knowing I will be tensed..I hope he comes soon...anyways it's good that he is not there so that I can plan my surprise...

At evening,
Aman comes home...he sees everyone preparing the mandap...he goes to his room...he sees it dimmed...aman gets confused...

He turns and sees roshni who is looking stunning in her red lehenga...

Roshni:aman..change your dress and come to garden please..i wanted to tell you something..

Aman nods and roshni leaves from there blushing...aman gets ready and takes a envelope from his coat and keeps it in his dress..

Aman comes to garden..he sees roshni standing there..she smiles at him..

Roshni:aman.. actually I wanted to tell you something and I want something from you..

Aman:tell me..


Suddenly someone calls them for marriage..aman tends to leave but roshni holds his hand..

Roshni:aman..i actually don't know how to tell you but..

Aman:leave it roshni..shall i say you what you wanted to say me..??

Roshni nods and blushes..

Aman takes the envelope and gives it to roshni...roshni gets confused but opens it and gets shocked seeing it..

Aman:you wanted divorce right roshni..!?

Roshni looks at Aman shockingly..

                       STAY TUNED!!!

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