Ep. 3 Michael's Return

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Michael POV
"Bon appetite babe!" She said, smiling. I giggled. Delicious lunch was served by my beautiful wife. "Aww, thanks." I said. We shared a kiss and I started eating my plate. Lisa smirked, placing her hands on the counter. "Michael." He called. "Yeah?" I said, not looking up from my plate. She hummed in response. "Remember that discussion we had after our honeymoon?" She asked. I nodded confusedly. "About us living together?" I guessed. She nodded her head no, intertwining her hands with mine. "No. Having children." She said. I looked up in shock and smiled. "Children?!" I beamed. We've been getting pretty busy so I'd hope she's now pregnant. Lisa laughed. "Babe, I'm not pregnant. I've been meaning to ask you about this..." She trailed off. I nodded. She inhaled a deep breath and caressed my hair. "How about we adopt a child?" She asked. My whole life flashed before my eyes. Adopt? Yay! I've always loved wanting to adopt any child! I smiled widely and hugged her. She hugged back and laughed. "Yes! Yes! I wanna do it! Let's adopt!" I cheered. We parted. Honestly, thinking about adoption reminded me of these kids I really missed. Sean, Zeke, Katie and Kylie. It felt like years since I last seen them. They must be a little grown up by now. Oh I'd love to see them again. Lisa smiled excitingly. "I found this orphanage that's two hours from here. It is filled of kids around 11, 10 or 9 and there's teenagers. Their time to discuss adopting usually happens after they come back from school at 1pm." She explained. I smiled happily and kissed her. She melted in the kiss. "I'll love whoever child we pick." I whispered. We parted. "Alright. Let's get dressed hon!" She said. I chuckled. We finished our breakfast and head upstairs to get dressed. I'm so freaking excited! We're meeting kids and getting to adopt!


Kylie POV

After school...

The buses dropped us off. School was better than I imagined. I exchanged numbers with the girls before catching up to the bus. Homework = same old same old. Sean clearly needs help on his biology homework so I agreed to tutor him. I managed to focus instead of thinking of Michael. As Ms. Holly said, we walk inside before the middle schoolers do. We reunited with Zeke and Katie. "How was school guys?" I asked, smiling. She cheered. "Great!" She beamed. He nodded in agreement. "Race you to our room!" Sean said. "I'll get there first!" Zeke said, running off. "No you won't!" He said and raced after him. Katie chuckled while I laughed. Our hands intertwined as we went back to our room. She took off her shoes, pulling out her book to read. I scrolled on my phone for a minute. I'm aware I'll need to do homework right now and make sure they do theirs. "Katie, do you have homework?" I asked, looking up from my phone. She nodded her head no and closed the book. "Ms. Madden said I'll have science homework tomorrow." She told me. I nodded and got off my bed. "If you need me, I'll be helping Sean with his homework." I said. Our door suddenly busted open, showing Sean and Zeke. They had the biggest smile on their faces. We shared confusion. "He's here! He's here!" Sean yelled a bit. I quickly shushed him with my finger. "He's here!" Zeke whispered, smiling. Katie groaned. "Who's here?" She asked annoyedly. "Michael!" They said in unison. My whole world stopped before me. Michael? Here? It can't be possible. Its been such a long time lately since we seen him. There could be a slight chance
it's not Michael and I don't want them to get their hopes up. Especially mine. Katie smiled happily. "He is?!" She said. Sean quickly nodded. "Yeah! We saw him outside the window! Along with some lady though." He said a bit confusedly. Hm, what lady? That's odd. "Katie! Sean! Zeke! Kylie!" Ms. Holly called. We already knew what this meant. She'd only call anyone if two parents are here to adopt. "What's happening?" Katie whispered. I shrugged and motioned them to follow me. Stepping into the lobby, seeing someone I've longed to see is what I'll never forget. We gasped shockingly. Including Katie dropping her golden-plastic star. Michael was sitting beside the mysterious lady on the chairs. He looked up and smiled widely. Happy tears fell from my eyes. "Michael!" I said, running into his arms. He smiled and hugged me. "God, I missed you!" I whispered. "Missed you all more." He said. They joined in a group hug. "Michael! You're back!" Katie said happily. He sighed happily. "I should've never left you guys. I love you all so much. I want you to meet someone." He said. My eyes diverted to the lady he mentioned. She had short-auburn hair, brown-eyed, pure light skinned with red lipstick. She is truthfully beautiful if anybody doubt it. He smiled, wrapping his arm around her waist. "This is my wife Lisa. Lisa, this is Sean, Zeke, Katie and Kylie." He introduced. She smiled sweetly, shaking my hand. "You must be the oldest huh?" She asked. I laughed and nodded. Michael returned the gesture. "We came here because we'd wanna..." He trailed off. Lisa smiled. "Adopt you!" She cheered. Our eyes widened as we cheered happily and hugged them again. They chuckled, hugging back. "Really? You're gonna take us home with you?" Katie asked. We parted. He nodded. Ms. Holly smiled. "You all should pack your bags and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson will sign a few papers." She told us. We nodded and raced back to our rooms. I pulled my suitcase from my closet. All my clothes, makeup kit, shoes, dental hygiene stuff, hair materials were in my suitcase and one bag. I helped Katie pack her things. She hugged her golden star and smiled. "Thank you lucky star." She whispered. I smiled warmly, reminding her to re-tie her shoes. Zeke came in holding his somewhat heavy bag. "Are you two ready?! Cmon!" He said excitedly. We laughed. I wrapped my bag around my shoulder with my suitcase handle in hand. Katie successfully put on her backpack and tied her shoes. We left our rooms, heading back to the front lobby where Michael's limo was still present outside. They finished signing papers and smiled happily. "We're all done kids! Let's go." Michael said. I mentally cheered and waved goodbye at Ms. Holly. She returned the gesture. Bill was waiting patiently beside the doors. He smiled nicely. "Hey kids!" He said. "Hey Bill!" We said, hugging him. He hugged back. Michael chuckled. We parted. The other security guard opened our door, letting us get inside. Once the limo drove off we talked as if we never parted from him in a year. Not to mention, our last names are officially Jackson! The girls will practically attack me happily. This is the happiest I've ever been for a while. We're now adopted and have one big family together.

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