Ep. 8 The Jackson Renovation

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No one POV
7am in the morning struck. Smells of pancakes, eggs and sausages filled the air as Lisa used a spoon before flipping pancakes over. Noises were heard upstairs while she placed huge amount of eggs and sausages on the plate. Skipper was busy eating his dog food and slightly whining at the noise. Thumping sounds were heard from rather the kids's rooms. She turned off the stove once the pancakes were done before putting them on a second plate. Racing footsteps as someone skipped downstairs to the kitchen. It appeared to be Katie wearing her new outfit for school.

 It appeared to be Katie wearing her new outfit for school

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She smiled, carrying her backpack. "Good morning Mommy!" She said. Lisa smiled and nodded. "Good morning. Say, any reason why I heard loud thumping? Presumably from your brothers?" She asked. After petting Skipper, Katie sat on the counter while she made her plate. "Usually it comes from playing video games or cheering for their favorite WWE wrestler." She told her. She looked at her weirdly. "What about Kylie?" She asked. On cue, Kylie arrived dressed with her backpack wrapped on her back.

She groaned irritatingly

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She groaned irritatingly. "Will you please tell those wildebeests that nobody could sleep with their usual racket?" She growled. Katie hummed in response. "Weird. I usually sleep well through their noises." She said. Kylie scoffed, raising an eyebrow. "That's because you are the little wildebeest." She sassed. "Am not!" She disagreed. "Yeah you are!" Kylie said. Lisa finished making her plate and cleared her throat. "Girls, this could be a lovely family morning if all of you enjoy a quiet breakfast before going to school. Do it or I'll cancel TV privileges." She said, firmly at the last part. Katie gasped dramatically. Lisa then looked at Kylie. "And phone privileges." She finished. She also gasped dramatically. They quickly grabbed their forks and shoved food in their mouths. The boys came downstairs with Michael dragging them by their backpacks. He huffed rather annoyedly. "Cmon boys! You can watch the match after school!" He told them. Zeke and Sean tried to pull themselves back but failed. "Dad, we wanna see if Seth Rollins will beat Brock Lesnar!" Zeke whined. Sean shrugged and smiled. "Honestly, my money's on Brock. Seth will be visiting Suplex City!" He said, making a Brock Lesnar pose. Zeke nodded in disagreement. "No way! Seth freakin' Rollins will stump him!" He said, making a Seth Rollins pose. Michael successfully brought them to the kitchen where the girls was still eating. He smiled sweetly. "Good morning my three princesses." He said. They looked up and returned the gesture. "Morning Dad/Daddy." They said in unison. Lisa smirked teasingly. "Morning Daddy." She teased. They shared a kiss as the boys dig into their breakfasts. Lisa sighed. "Guys, I've been thinking...you have been here for two weeks and I'm suggesting maybe you could decorate your rooms. Make it more homely." She told them. All the kids looked at each other and smiled shockingly. Michael gasped happily. "That's great guys!" He beamed. Katie cheered, jumping up and down. "I want my room painted purple with colorful streamers hanged up!" She squealed.
Sean smiled widely. "I want my room painted red with posters of Maroon 5!" He said. They looked at him weirdly except Lisa and Michael. He scoffed. "I find them rocking!" He said proudly. Zeke cheered, pumping his hands in the air. "Mine should be green with WWE posters!" He added. Kylie sighed happily. "I don't know about you guys but I've got different ideas for my room. Especially a poster of Tom Holland." She said, smiling dreamily at the last part. Michael giggles while drinking his orange juice. Lisa laughed. "Whoa whoa guys! That takes a lot of work but if you help me and Daddy, we'll make it happen.
Now us getting you to school'll happen too." She said, checking her watch. The kids grabbed their backpacks and hopped off the counter. Michael kissed her cheek before walking up to them. "Got everything?" He asked. "Yeah." They said in unison. Lisa noticed Katie's ponytail isn't tied well. She untied and re-tied it perfectly. "Goodbye, Bill's waiting. Have fun!" They said, smiling. They returned the gesture. "Bye! Bye Mom/Dad!" They said before going to the Rover. Until...Zeke ran back and took three sausages with him. Lisa and Michael rolled their eyes.

******At School******
Amelia smiled, standing beside Kylie's locker. "Can't believe your parents are letting you decorate your room!" She said. Kylie smiled excitingly. "I know! Everything me all in one room at last! Kinda makes up for sharing a room with an eleven year old." She said. Amelia chuckled as she closed her locker. "Mind if I help? My parents have cans of paint in their basement but my Mom only wanted one can for her dining room." She asked. Kylie looked at her confusedly. "What color?" She asked. "Beige! The rest of the colors are yellow, purple and blue." She told her. Kylie smiled happily. "That's great! I'm gonna use the blue paint for my room! Katie will have purple! Thanks Amels!" She beamed. Amelia playfully rolled her eyes and smiled. "Oh it's no biggie. I've always wanted to paint my best friend's room and I can!" She said, cheering at the last part. Kylie smiled rather nervously. A group of four girls came downstairs. Bianca, Ava, Jaycee, Rose. She slightly jumped, turning Amelia to them. "Oh! It's the girls! Don't mention my Dad or Mom!" She told her. Amelia nodded. "Good! Don't mention them either!" She whispered. Kylie rolled her eyes. The girls walked up to them and smiled. "Hey guys!" Bianca beamed. "How was your weekend?" Ava asked. Kylie smiled. "Great!" She said. Jaycee looked at her in awe. "Really? What happened?" She asked. Amelia cheered excitingly. "Her parents are letting her decorate her own room!" She squealed. The girls laughed, cheering with her. Kylie sighed irritatingly. Rose smiled. "That's cool Ky! Can't wait to see the results when we visit." She said. She chuckled nervously. "Yeah." She muttered. Bianca rolled her eyes and giggled. "Guys, chill out. It'll be just a regular cute room." She added. "A wide spacious room with open views of sunlight." Amelia whispered in her ear. Kylie fake smiled. "Don't get sunburned." She whispered. Ava nodded in agreement. "She's right. Your room will look awesome!" She said. The bell finally rang.
Jaycee sighed. "We got the same classes?" She asked. "Yeah. Only two." Amelia quickly said. Bianca smiled sweetly. "Cool!" She said. The girls walked off, leaving Kylie to look through her phone a confused Amelia. "What are you doing? Finding wallpapers of Tom Holland?" She asked sarcastically. Kylie fake chuckled nervously. "No." She said.

******At Home******
"Alright, kids. It's gonna be an all-out decorating fun! Me and Mommy will help you paint your rooms. Now I'd say help because some of you could become a painted Statue of Liberty." Michael said, holding a paintbrush. The four children were standing in the living room with four cans of paint and paintbrushes in their grasps. Kylie fake smiled. "I don't doubt that." She added. Lisa smiled widely, pulling her paintbrush out of her pocket. "Let's get painty!" She cheered. "Yay!" The kids cheered happily and ran into each of their rooms.

1: In Sean's room, he was painting the wall red.

2: In Zeke's room, Michael was helping him paint his wall green. Zeke cleared his throat. He turned to see his face painted half-green. Michael huffed. He smiled nervously and shrugged. He quickly took his brush before accidentally thrashing paint on half his face. His eyes widened. Zeke couldn't help chuckling. He shrugged and laughed.

3: In Katie's room, Lisa was painting her wall purple until she came in holding a bag of stickers. Her jaw dropped and told her to put those back. Katie huffed, begging to keep them. Lisa told her to keep them in a bag until the paint dries. She pouted, kicking the can a little. A drop of paint landed on Lisa's butt. Their eyes widened. She turned and growled through her teeth. Katie smiled nervously.

4: In Kylie's room, she was painting her wall blue while Billie Jean played in the background. A Tom Holland poster was laid out on her bed. She hummed the lyrics and picked it up to kiss the poster's lips. She smiled dreamily.


Everyone inhaled a deep breath before flunking themselves on the couch while wearing messy splats of paint. Lisa huffed. "Phew! Can't believe how busy we were." She said. Michael lifted up his bandaged finger. "And how un-careful we were." He said, looking at Zeke. Zeke playfully rolled his eyes. "I'm a kid. If you hand me a stapler, I'm not handyman." He said. Sean smiled excitingly. "My room looks incredible! All my Maroon 5 and Beatles posters everywhere!" He beamed. They looked at him weirdly except Michael and Lisa. He smirked. "My music, my taste." He said. Lisa patted his shoulder and smiled. "At least we finished before later. Let's all go freshen up for dinner." She said. Michael returned the gesture. "Yeah. It's beautiful you guys made an effort to help make each other feel at home...which you really are." He said. The kids smiled warmly before getting off the couch to get cleaned.

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