Ep. 5 Cupid's Little Helpers

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Saturday struck. I promised the girls I'll see them tomorrow but right now I'm spending quality time with my family. "Get back! It's mine!" I heard Sean yell from outside my room. "No! It's mine!" Zeke yelled. Well...almost quality time. I huffed, closing the book I been reading for a perfectly good 30 minutes. My brothers are technically hyenas whenever they battle each other. Sometimes I fight with Katie over her taking my jewelry or clothes. Thank goodness Lisa was around for that. I got off the bed and walked in the hallway. Katie must be at the arcade. I almost went pass Lisa and Dad's room until these words echoed through my ears. "I do really love him but we just adopted four children. It's a lot of extra work ahead. We'll have to put them first for a while before we do things alone." She said with her phone pressed on her ear. What? Do my ears deceit me? Lisa and Dad wants to take a break from their relationship to focus on us? Why? They shouldn't! They shouldn't give up their love because of me and the others. What's a family without the love of both parents? I kept walking and searching for my siblings. The boys were in the kitchen snacking on a bag of chips. "Guys!" I called. They looked up which shown their chippy mouths. "What Kylie?" Sean asked confusedly. I sighed. "First, where's Katie?" I asked. A door was slammed shut. Our eyes diverted to her walking in from the backyard. She smiled. "Hey guys!" She beamed. I inhaled a deep breath. "Ok. There's no easy way to say this. Lisa was discussing on the phone that she and Dad's relationship needs a break because of focusing on us for a while. It's a problem!" I told them. They stared at me confusedly. "How exactly?" Zeke asked. Katie sighed sadly. "Is Mommy and Daddy breaking up?" She asked. Sean's jaw dropped in shock. "No! No way! What's gonna happen with us? Are we gonna split up? Do we have to live in two houses?" He panicked. I groaned, putting my hands on his shoulders. "Sean, chill out! They're not breaking up. Taking a break means they won't be...um..." I trailed off. Zeke counted off his fingers. "Kissing, hugging, tell secrets and going on dates." He finished. Katie crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "Ok Zeke! We don't have to know everything!" She said disgustedly. My brain clicked as I took my hands off Sean. Going on a date. That's the solution! Lisa and Dad could have one special date without any interruptions. Aka us. I smiled brightly. "Actually, he's on to something. Lisa and Dad should have a special night together without worrying about us for one day. It'll help their love to keep growing while raising us. Just one special date." I said. Sean smirked. "And the only way to do that is to secretly plan the date ourselves." He added. I nodded in agreement. Katie cheered happily. "Yeah! Cool!" She said. I smiled confidently and placed my hands on my hips. "Here's what we have to do..." I trailed off. They listened carefully to the plan.

It is now nighttime. The dinner table was covered in a white sheet with three golden lit candelabras aligned. Our Chef was cooking their dinner and Katie and Zeke were dressed up as waiters. The second phase of our plan was going through their phones and texted about "nice home date" at exactly 7pm. Bill helped us sneak into the security footage room where we could watch everything from the camera. "Ok, all clear?" Sean whispered.
I nodded, smirking. "All we need is the couple." I told him. We watched Dad came downstairs to the dinner table. Sean pulled out his walkie-talkie. "Zeke, that's your cue. Dad's here." He whispered on it. He walked out from the kitchen and bowed elegantly. Dad chuckled. "Zeke?" He said. He smiled politely. "Hello Mr. Jackson, may I show you your seat?" He asked. Sean huffed. "He's supposed to say table!" He whispered annoyedly. I playfully rolled my eyes. Dad returned the gesture. "Thank you." He said as he led him to his chair across from the other. Now we're waiting on Lisa's arrival. "Shall I tell you what's on the menu?" He asked. Dad nodded his head no. "Not yet. I'm expecting someone." He said. Zeke nodded. On cue, Lisa carefully walked downstairs wearing this:

 On cue, Lisa carefully walked downstairs wearing this:

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Our eyes widened. Her hair was curled into a bun with two curly strands out, makeup and wore white-diamond earrings. "God, I hope Dad doesn't wet himself." Sean blurted out. I smacked the back of his head. He yelped in slight pain. Zeke was heard giggling from the walkie-talkie. "Katie, she's coming!" I whispered. She cleared her throat and came once Lisa's appearance was shown. Dad stared as if she was a beautiful Angel from Heaven. She smiled. "Hello Mommy-I mean Mrs. Jackson, I'll be your waiter today. Shall I escort you to your seat?" She asked. Lisa looked at her in awe and their arms linked. "You may." She said. Zeke pulled out the chair and helped her sit down. Aww! "Thank you guys." She said. Dad hadn't said anything since he first saw her. I covered my mouth in a giggle. He cleared his throat and smiled sweetly. "You look so beautiful." He said. Lisa returned the gesture. "Thank you babe. You look pretty good." She said. Zeke and Katie stood beside each other. "Now, what do you like to order? We have the...a..." He trailed off. Katie whispered in his ear. He smiled shyly. "The chicken parmesan and drinks of choice are Pepsi, Sprite, Mountain Dew or Fruit Punch." He told them. They laughed. "I'll have chicken Parmesan with a cup of fruit punch." Dad said. "Same here with Mountain Dew." Lisa added. They nodded while leaving the room. I hummed in response. "Reminds me we should get some dinner too." I said. Sean nodded, putting a thumbs up. "Chicken Parmesan sounds delicious." He whispered hungrily. "You know? We could save ourselves some plates afterwards." Katie said annoyedly. We breathed a breath of relief. I am pretty much hungry right now. I groaned. "We should've ate before doing this!" I whispered. Sean rolled his eyes. "Ya think?" He muttered. Mom and Dad were laughing and talking which made my heart flutter a little. They're finally enjoying themselves...with our help of course. Zeke and Katie left the kitchen, holding their plates and cups. They looked at them in awe. Dad smiled. "Wow!" He said as they placed their dinners in front of them. "Bon appetite!" Zeke joked. Katie huffed. "I wanted to say that!" She complained. Lisa giggled. "Thank you! Both of you." She said. Dad looked up worriedly. "Wait, wait, wait! Have you guys eaten? You can't be doing things on an empty stomach." He mentioned. Ugh! Sean face-palmed his forehead. "Nice to hear that again Kylie." He said sarcastically. I stuck my tongue at him. "Guys, tell him you already ate. I promise we'll eat after the plan's complete." I whispered. They fake smiled.
"Yes." They lied in unison. Lisa smiled. "See babe? They're fine." She said. Zeke cleared his throat and put his hands behind his back. "Anything else you want?" He asked politely. They nodded their heads no. They excused themselves and returned back to the kitchen. "Alright! Now we need to make our own plates and meet them in the security room." Katie told Zeke. He nodded. The Chef began gathering our plates. Bill smiled impressively. "Well done kids!" He said. Sean smirked. "Thanks!" He said. In the dinner room footage, Lisa and Dad were really having fun. He was even joking with the food which made her laugh. She smiled happily. "You know? Your kids are so selfless for making this dinner for us." She said. Dad scoffed and returned the gesture. "Our kids. They love you too." He said.
She sighed sadly. "If they'll see me that way. I know Katie calls me Mom but I've only been their mother for like three days." She said. Dad got up and walked up to her. "Of course, hon. Things are just getting started. It doesn't mean they love you any less. Neverland have always been their true home and we are their family. Especially our own. We'll stick through anything as a family through this kind of life. There's nobody else I would want to share this journey with." He said, holding her hands. Lisa smiled warmly. "Oh Michael." She whispered. They kissed passionately. The whole time me and Sean watched sympathetically. He sighed. "Kylie?" He called. I didn't take my eyes off them. "Yeah?" I said. He smiled. "I love our family already. Including Lisa." He said. I returned the gesture and wrapped my arm around his neck. "Me too bro. Me too." I told him.


Lisa and Dad's date was finished. Let's just say it took place in their room. Eww! Anyways, we sat on the couch eating the leftover plates. Chip n Dale was playing. I smiled proudly. "Our plan was truly successful!" I said. They chatted in agreement and we high-five each other. Sean ate his bite. "I know. Lisa and Dad seem really happy." He said. All of a sudden hushed noises were heard. Zeke looked around confusedly. "You guys hear that?" He asked. Katie nodded, still confused. "It sounds like..." She trailed off. The hushed sounds revealed little moans throughout the house. Sean spit out his drink. "What the- I cut him off by covering his mouth. We shivered disgustedly, knowing where it came from. Katie and Zeke were still confused. "Their TV is turned up loud." I lied. They nodded in understanding. Sean sighed. "I won't get sleep tonight." He mumbled. I nodded in agreement.

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