Ep. 7 I Ruined a Thriller Jacket!

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No one POV
After school, the kids were busy chilling in the living room with the TV playing. "Guys! You're never gonna believe this!" Sean's voice yelled as he ran inside. Kylie looked up from her phone. "You're finally easing your biology class?!" She asked, smiling. Katie smiled. "We're going to DisneyWorld?!" She asked. Zeke cheered. "I finally get your whole room?!" He asked. Sean hummed in response and counted off his fingers. "1, no. 2, double no. 3, in your dreams buster." He said. He sighed. Sean smiled widely. "I found something really cool! Cmon!" He said. They hopped off the couch and followed him upstairs to their parents's bedroom.

Their jaws dropped, staring at Michael's closet.
In between the clothes was the red Thriller jacket he wore in his legendary Thriller video. Kylie inhaled a shocking breath. "Whoa." She breathed. "Whoa." They muttered in unison. Zeke smiled. "Dad's Thriller jacket!" He beamed. Sean rubbed his chin while crossing his arms. "Why you think Dad puts his jacket there? It should be on a mantle." He said. Kylie shrugged. "Legends love keeping their famous belongings." She said. He nodded in agreement. Zeke almost touched it until Kylie smacked his hand. "Whoa whoa whoa! Nobody said we could touch it! There are a few things we can't touch or go in this house." She said firmly. Sean smiled innocently. "Why don't you make a list of what Dad said we can't touch?" He asked sarcastically. Zeke chuckled. Kylie pulled out a 10-feet long list from her pocket. Their eyes widened. She cleared her throat. "Rule number 4, don't touch any valuable heirlooms. Hint the jacket." She read. Katie put her hand out. "Can I see that list sis?" She asked. She nodded, handing over the paper. She smiled before ripping the paper into millions of pieces. Kylie's jaw dropped. The boys began laughing. Katie waved her hands up which made pieces of paper fall into the air. Zeke and Sean cheered while dancing around them. Kylie smiled deviously. "You do know since you made the mess, you clean it. Rule number 1!" She told them. They stopped cheering and looked at her in shock. Sean sighed before leaving the room to grab the vacuum. Kylie smiled innocently. "If you need me, I'll be taking over the TV while you clean up." She said. Zeke and Katie rolled their eyes before picking up the paper pieces.


A minute later, Sean brought the vacuum and Katie sat on the floor playfully throwing the pieces. Zeke was standing beside the doorway. "What took you so long?" Katie asked. He inhaled a deep breath. "Oh I'm sorry. I happened to live in a six-room house with five different places and obviously lost my way seven times." He said sarcastically. Katie sighed annoyedly. "Cmon, let's just get this done so I can go beat Zeke in the race car game." She said. He scoffed, crossing his arms. "You wish Kate." He said. Sean plugged in the vacuum and turned it on. They covered their ears from the loud-bursting noise. He pulled out the vacuum air-blower and sucked a few paper pieces. Katie pulled out a candy packet from her pocket. Zeke gasped. "Is that Sour Patch Kids?!" He shouted. She smiled and nodded. "Yes! It's the last one!" She shouted back. He growled. "Give me that packet!" He yelled. She scoffed, clutching it. "No! It's mine!" She yelled. "I want it!" He shouted and grabbed the packet. "Give it you jerk!" Katie growled. They kept arguing while pulling the packet back and forth. Sean looked at them in shock. "Guys, what are you- he was cut off by Katie. "I SAID ITS MINE!" She growled/yelled and pushed Zeke into Sean who accidentally lost control of the air-blower. It's sucked the Thriller Jacket right sleeve and instantly tore half the sleeve apart. Their jaws dropped. Sean turned off the vacuum and rubbed his hair shockingly. Zeke breathed heavily, putting a hand to his heart. "Did. We just. Destroyed. Dad's. Jacket?" He muttered before collapsing on the floor. Katie looked at him then back at the half-torn jacket. Sean was incredibly speechless.

Later, after Zeke regained consciousness, Sean held the jacket in his hands and stared toward it before looking up. "Ok! Guys, this doesn't seem so bad! It's only half torn! Dad won't notice at all!" He said nervously. Katie opened the vacuum machine and pulled out a red dusty-filled sleeve. She smiled sheepishly. Zeke growled, crossing his arms. "That depends...does he have eyes?" He asked sarcastically. Sean sighed irritatingly. "None of this wouldn't happened if you bumped into me!" He said. He nodded in disagreement and looked at Katie. "No! If Katie hadn't pushed me into you, that vacuum wouldn't have ate the jacket sleeve and it wouldn't be torn up!" He growled. "Only because you were after my candy! In other words, it's your fault!" She sassed. Sean sighed annoyedly. "It's both your faults!" He said. Sudden footsteps were heard on the stairs. "Guys, are you finished cleaning?" Kylie's voice was heard. They instantly panicked, shoving the jacket and sleeve in the closet. Sean closed it successfully before standing beside the vacuum. Once Kylie walked in, everyone fake smiled. "Kylie!" They said in unison. Katie fake chuckled. "What brings you here?" She asked. Kylie shrugged while smirking. "Just checking to see if you're done so we could go play ball outside. By the way, Skipper needs to use his potty pen because Lisa doesn't want him coming in dirty." She told her. Zeke giggled nervously. "That's nice Kylie. While we're at it, can we get a sewing- He was cut off when Sean quickly covered his mouth and fake coughed. "Yup. A nice weather we have today for some soccer ball play. Eh guys?" He said. They nodded, smiling too brightly. Kylie slowly nodded. "Right. Let's go..." She trailed off. Katie fiddled with her fingers shakily. "Uh...Kylie." She trailed off. "Yeah?" She said. The boys glared silently. "Katie..." Sean mumbled. "There's something you need to know." She said shyly. Kylie crossed her arms and looked at her in awe. "Like what?" She asked. "Nothing!" The boys said in unison. Sean scoffed. "Nothing at all! I'm sure Katie is anxious to go play soccer right now." He said, growling at the last part. Kylie hummed in response. "Yes. Ok. Say, is anybody hungry? I got mini donuts!" She said, pulling out a packet of five small donuts. Zeke and Katie raised their hands. "Me! Me! Me!" They cheered in unison. She threw the packet to Sean before opening the closet to reveal Michael's half-torn jacket. Her jaw dropped. A moment of silence aroused the room. Their jaws dropped, knowing she caught them. "Um...we can explain..." Sean trailed off. Kylie growled. "You two were fighting over candy and knocked yourselves into the vacuum which made the air-blower suck the sleeve which it's why it's so dusty." She growled. They looked at each other then back at her sheepishly. "Ok, you know exactly what happened." Sean said nervously. She facepalmed her forehead. "Look, we're really sorry. It was just an accident- Zeke cut him off by hopping off the bed. He scoffed. "Accident? If you accidentally broke Elvis Presley's jacket, think of many years you face in a orange jumpsuit!" He growled. Sean looked horrified at the thought. Katie sighed. "He's right. About the jacket, not about you two going to prison...though it's likely." She said, mumbling the last part. Kylie groaned and took a deep breath. "All we have to do is find a way to fix the jacket! It can't be hard because we can- she was cut off by her siblings. "Use duck tape?" Sean asked. "Decorate the jacket?" Katie asked. "Win an auction?" Zeke asked. She looked at them weirdly. "Find a seamstress. A person who can sew clothes and sew things together." She told them. Sean huffed, shrugging. "Well who do we know that can sew a jacket sleeve?" He asked. Kylie smirked, pulling out her phone.


The siblings waited in the living room for the seamstress's arrival. Kylie was holding onto the jacket and sleeve. The doorbell ringed. They hopped off the couch and walked up to the door. Kylie smiled proudly. "Guys, meet the best seamstress in town!" She said. She opened the door which revealed a smiling Amelia holding her sewing kit. They smiled rather fake, knowing how a little egocentric she could be. "Hello little Jacksons! I've come to the rescue! Me and my little bag will help this fashion problem. A worldly crisis we all face today." She said, frowning at the last part. Kylie closed the door and nodded. "Good! We need you to sow Dad's jacket together!" She told her. Amelia raised an eyebrow, fake chuckling. "Kylie, I'm a talented seamstress but not that very- Sean cut her off. "Not the jacket! The sleeve!" He said annoyedly. Her jaw dropped a bit relieved. "Oh. A jacket sleeve? Yes I can do that!" She said. They rolled their eyes. Kylie smiled, handing her the jacket and torn sleeve. Amelia's eyes widened. "OMG! This is your Dad's Thriller jacket! OMG! You want me to sew..." She trailed off and realized the sleeve's torn off. "What happened to it?" She asked confusedly. Kylie fake smiled. "Never let children use a vacuum. At all." She said through gritted teeth. Zeke and Katie shifted nervously. Amelia scoffed. "No biggie! I could get this done in the Knick of time!" She said confidently. "Which will be..." Sean trailed off. She checked her wristwatch and looked up. "Now. I'll need time alone to fix the magic. Go! Go!" She quickly said before opening the kit. They rushed out of the room in three seconds.

*****49 minutes later*****

Everyone waited patiently in Kylie's room until the door busted open. Amelia cleared her throat after they got up from floor or bed. She held the jacket on one arm and inhaled a deep breath. "Well?" Kylie said anxiously. She fake frowned. "A lot of strings had to be done. The 49 minutes were worth it though. Behold! It's Thriller night!" She said, smiling happily. She shown the whole jacket knitted back together. Their jaws dropped. Katie cheered happily. "It's back! It's back!" She beamed. Kylie gasped shockingly. "Wow! The sleeve isn't torn anymore!" She said. Sean touched the sleeve and smiled. "Like it's never been ripped!" He said. Kylie cheered and hugged Amelia. "Thanks Amelia! You have an amazing talent." She said. Amelia sighed happily. "A gift God has gifted me." She said. Zeke sighed. "We should put it back and never touch it again." He suggested. Katie nodded in agreement. "Yup! We only got 20 minutes until our parents return from their date." She added. "Oh god no!" Sean begged, grabbing the jacket and running out of the room. They looked at each other weirdly. Zeke raised an eyebrow. "Wow. He really hates getting grounded." He said. "Yup." They said in unison.

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