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(Up top is Kylie)

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(Up top is Kylie)

"This. Is. Horrible." I muttered. Katie sat next to me on the sidewalk. Zeke was next to her with Sean on my right. I've known them for as long since coming to the orphanage at two years old. I was the oldest out of three of them. Sean is the second oldest, Katie and Zeke are nearly the youngest. Despite all the age differences, it made us even closer like siblings. Katie hugged her teddy bear and laid her head on my shoulder. "Can't believe the orphanage is closed." She said. Zeke sighed sadly. "Where are we gonna live now?" He asked. Sean scoffed, looking up from his knees. "In the streets of course." He growled angrily. His tone startled them a bit. I refuse to believe we'll sleep on the streets forever. There is always a home somewhere. I know it. I wrapped my arms around their necks. Katie scooted closer enough to feel my heartbeat. I inhaled a deep breath. "Listen to me. We are not living on the streets. You know why? Somewhere out here there is always a home. Always. Most importantly, we're a little family together. Don't ever think like that. We won't end up like that." I said confidently. They quickly nodded. The evening was very lit. We can't stay on the sidewalk longer. "Cmon, let's take a walk." I said softly. We got off the ground and walked on the empty sidewalk. Katie held my hand tightly while the other held her bear. The silence was unbelievably too quiet but it soothed me a little. Zeke hummed in response. "I hope we run into a candy store. I'm hungry." He said. Sean rolled his eyes. "You're always hungry." He said. Honestly, I just realized I'm incredibly hungry now. My stomach slightly growled. Damn. My eyes diverted to a huge house across the sidewalk. It looked really nice. "Whoa! Who lives there?" Sean asked. I shrugged. Zeke smiled. "You think the family will let us in?" He asked, the hopefulness in his voice. Hopefully they will. We really can't sleep on the streets and be hungry all the time. The neighborhood was empty with no vehicles passing by on the road. Clearly because it's already nighttime. I inhaled a deep breath. If this house is full of dangerous people, we're speeding away like Quicksilver. We carefully walked on the street to the doorstep of the big house. The porch light was turned on. Zeke raised an eyebrow. "What if they're asleep?" He asked. Sean rolled his eyes annoyingly. "I suppose we should sleep here until they wake me up." He said sarcastically. I huffed. "Would you two behave for one minute?" I asked. They looked at each other then back at me. "Nope!" They said in unison. I almost knocked until a sudden limo pulled up right in front of the house. We shared confusion. The door opened, revealing my ultimate favorite singer. Michael Jackson. He closed the door and his eyes widened toward us. We returned the gesture. Sean sighed. "I'm guessing you're Michael Jackson right?" He asked. He nodded, smiling sweetly. "Yes. Who are you four?" He asked. I cleared my throat and smiled. "I'm Kylie! This is Sean, Zeke and Katie." I introduced. They shyly waved. "How long you've been here?" Michael asked. Katie sighed. "We just got here. Our orphanage closed down so we decided to come here." She told him. He looked at us in awe. "So you all have nowhere to go?" He asked. I looked down and nodded. Michael shrugged and smiled. "How about you stay with me for a while?" He suggested. Fireworks nearly popped inside my head repeatedly. Us? Stay with Michael? Katie smiled widely. "Really?!" She beamed. I mentally cheered and jumped happily. He chuckled. "Yeah. We can watch movies, eat popcorn but bedtime is at 10:00 sharp." He said, pointing at us firmly. Zeke groaned softly. "Dang it." He mumbled. Katie huffed, rubbing her stomach. "I'm hungry!" She whined. Michael giggled. "Ok, let's get inside to have some dinner." He said. We walked inside after he opened the front door. Excitement was bouncing up and down for me. We have a new home with Michael!

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