A Simple Class on Sealing Away Gods.

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"Say Ben

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"Say Ben.." 

Ben Tennyson looked up from his smoothie. 

Sitting across from him at the round outdoor table to the Mister Smoothie Restaurant was a girl in a midriff cutoff blue-green sweater with medium short orange hair and glasses that weren't for a prescription. but mostly a style choice.

"You ever think about what would happen if we woke up one day and forgot all about each other? And only one of us could remember anything?" Gwen asked. 

"What kind of question out of the blue is that?" Ben asked. 

"Oh its just.." Gwen looked down at the magazine she had been reading. "I was just looking at an article for my essay and I saw this thing this guy wrote about whether friendships transcend mere memories."

"Well if you don't remember a person, you don't have the experiences you shared anymore right?" Ben asked. "And without the experiences, you can't exactly be friends without some new ones right?"

"True, I guess you could look at it that way." Gwen said. "But what if some other force guided friendship other than just memories?"

"Gwen are we seriously talking about the 'power of friendship' right now?" Ben asked with a laugh. 

"Hey, you laugh now, but maybe there's something to it. Ask Azmuth about it." said Gwen. 

"Yeah, like he isn't gonna scold me for asking him stupid questions." Ben said. 

"But what if it ISN'T stupid?" Gwen said with a knowing smirk.

"Aw come on Gwen, don't actually make me ask him..

Ben awoke with a start. 

The small bedroom was dark, and sunlight was not yet peeking through the window curtains. 

Ben sat up a little.  In bedroom next door he could hear Shi-Jian snoring and muttering to himself - "mmmgh.. yeah.. Parvarti-chan... eheheheh.. you're so naughty... oh yeah like that... snnnrrrfff.."

Ben looked down next to him where Deca was curled up peacefully in her pajamas, hugging the dragon plushy she once won at a fair. 

After pulling the blanket over Deca's body and kissing her on the cheek, Ben walked out the door of his room and made his way to the Kitchen Bar where he flipped on the small light over the stove area and put a little cup into the Keurig machine that lay silent next to the kettle for boiling water. 

After his coffee was done, Ben took his mug and made his way to the balcony, opening the glass sliding door and settling himself upon the chair outside, putting his steaming mug on the small table. 

The sun's orange glare was just starting to gleam against the underside of the most distant clouds  as Ben stared at the glowing green hourglass situated on his wrist. 

Ben 10 Radiant War, Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now