The Rift Between Worlds Split.

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The boy with brown hair tied his running shoes, sweat running down his face in spite of the cold weather.

His track suit was soaked with sweat now.  One thing that was certain, his Personal Fitness Trainer was relentless. 

"Come on Ben! Keep up, don't slow pace!"

The girl jogged in place next to her friend and trainee, grinning in her own tracksuit, beads of sweat running down her brow. 

"Sorry Erice, my shoes just got untied." Ben Tennyson said as he fumbled with his laces. 

"Aw well then hurry up and tie em, we got 4 miles to go!"

Ben sighed. There was sort of a love hate relationship with mornings here in Tokyo. On one hand he got to spend time with Erice, who was always very happy whenever she got to help Ben keep healthy and fit. On the other hand it was 5 miles of cardio that he had to deal with. 

Then again, after a few months of this, he had to admit he was starting to find it easier to do, and his aliens were also able to run greater distances and do more than before. Plus as Erice said, exercising just put you in a better mood overall. 

And after all, it was sweet that Erice cared so much about Ben's health. 

This was something that could only be done with her after all.  It was their own special moment. 

 Hanzo didn't jog, instead choosing to meditate in the mornings and then exercise in unusual harsh exercises that Ben was sure would kill him if he tried. 

Ophelia and Dragfeld were both too naturally superhuman for cardio of this level to be of any help to them.

Deca was always in school by the time morning came around and Ben was reasonably awake. 

Parvarti had cybernetics that kept her body fit without exercise, so any form of it was pointless for her (though she had come along on a few runs just to hang out). 

And Shi-Jian, well.. 

"Oh.. fucking.. god.. I.. can't.. believe.. you.. finally got me.. to do.. this shit with you two... AAAGGHH!"

Shi-Jian finally slogged in, barely keeping to a jog, sweat pouring down his body, wearing a sleeveless No Game No Life shirt and gym shorts plus a brand new pair of running shoes. 

Over the past months Erice had striven to finally force Shi-Jian to start putting in her rigorous health program, but he always escaped thanks to his  time belt-..

-Till a certain speed based Alien called XLR8 got involved that is..

"Why am I being forced to suffer with you!?" Shi-Jian panted as he slowed to a halt next to Ben, gasping. 

"Well for one thing, you're a cop aren't you? Shouldn't you have amazing cardio training?" Ben asked. 

"Have you SEEN the movies with fat cops and donuts? I use the Time Belt to deal with that!" said Shi-Jian. "Plus our training is strictly combat, and martial arts!"

"Well if you ever deal with a criminal who ALSO uses a time belt, then you'll finally have an edge!" said Erice cheerily. "Come on guys. Don't drink water yet, we don't wanna have your bodies cool down before its over, that'd be bad actually!"

"Aw come on.." groaned Shi-Jian. 

"Up and at em man!" said Ben encouragingly as he followed Erice down the street, trying his best to keep pace by her. 

"Guess that explains why she's always so sexy looking." grunted Shi-Jian as he returned into the jogging pace. "She runs daily, how else?"

As cars zoomed past, and the busy streets of Tokyo clamored around the group, a few people pointed at Ben, Erice and Shi-Jian. 

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