Dragfeld the Demon Dragon

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The sky was filled with wrath..

Humans panicked of course.. the military was organized on every country.. but even then nobody knew what the heck they were supposed to do.. 

Mass suicides were being reported in various continents, some believing it to be the End Times.  And due to the world being one where all Supernatural phenomena were handled by one UN organization, Akira's old team were called of course..

But Black Betty, Immigrant and Rasputin could only stare helplessly in shock at the sky as the battle between the massive cosmic goddess  and the three other beings continued.  

"Is it the end of the world?" Asked Betty. 

"Perhaps." Immigrant murmured as he removed his glasses and stared up at the sky. "But at the very least.. it looks like we've got some individuals very fixated on making sure it isn't like that. 

Back in the sky.. Nia's battle form gritted her fangs, her eyes glaring right up at Shub Niggurath's massive form. 

Shub Niggurath merely smirked as she took a slight breath and blew down at the planet. 

FOOOOOOMMM!!" giant blood red wind erupted down at Nia.. with enough force to raze half the planet barren of all life.

"Tsk.. always with the attempt to look nonchalant." Nia growled as she swiped one of her tentacles at the approaching blood wind, blasting it aside with a powerful eldritch shockwave. 

Highfeld and Dragfeld rose up next to Nia on either side. 

"We're fodder without your power backing us." Highfeld muttered. "Goddess of Chaos, if you would."

"Yeah yeah.. go get her." 

Nia raised her hand. "Chaotic Rhapsody.. ENTUNEMENT!!"

Both Dragfeld and Highfeld exploded with terrific red light, the two of them bursting with power millions of times greater than they would be capable of normally. 


"Hmph.. at the very least, I will earn favor with my new comrade." Said Highfeld with a grin as he charged a golden light in his hand. "SERAPH BURST!!!"

Highfeld thrust out his palm, and multiple golden beams split outwards, hurling into space with extreme volatile power. 

"BOOOOM BOOOM BOOOOM BOOOM!" the beams exploded against Shub Niggurath's massive form,  the cosmic eruptions causing the entire solar system to tremble at the seams. 

But when the dust cleared, Shub Niggurath was still there, smirking down at the planet. 

"Oho? That stung." said Shub Niggurath, her voice echoing down below. 

"Just.. what power does she command!?" Highfeld growled. 

"Just hold her off from me for a few moments." said Nia as she put her hands together and the air around her began to vibrate fearsomely. "If I want this move to count I need to a bit to charge."

"Very well!" Dragfeld growled. "In that case... DRACONIC PUNISHER!!"

Magma and black energy erupted around Dragfeld in a sphere as she transformed into the same dragon-like form she had used to battle Ultimate Atomix while under Sephiroth's control. 

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