The Empress of Fire and Blood

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In a certain house

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In a certain house.. in Tokyo... there was a woman.. 

She had been kidnapped 15 years ago.. by a serial kidnapper.  

She was once beautiful, but now her beauty had faded away under the bruises, abuse, and neglect that now covered her face like a disease. 

She sat, chained in the dark room as always, the light of the tv slightly illuminating her and the aged man who sat on his sofa.. twiddling his thumbs, his sociopathic face glaring at the panicked news reports that now covered the screen.

"End of the world huh..?" grunted the man. "Guess there's really no point in continuing.."

The woman whimpered.

"SHUT UP!!" The man growled, throwing his beer bottle at the wall next to the woman, shattering it..  "Goddamnit all.."

The man stood up slowly

As he walked through his dingey apartment towards the window.. the smell of piss and blood wafted from him like a pungent drug. 

The smell was briefly washed away as he slid his fingers under the window sill and shoved it open.. the breeze of the night air hissing through, bringing with it the smells of the Shinjuku district. 

He stepped onto the window sill and smiled slightly. He didn't have regrets, nor did he have any feelings in particular. Ultimately he didn't feel a single thing. It was the only reason he did what he did.. to try and feel something after all..

He fell forward..  and vanished from the plane of the living.. 

For a moment there was silence.. as the woman realized that her captor had just left for the afterlife.. 

She slowly held up her arm to reveal a pair of small bright eyes..

A girl..

Born to her and that man from the many times she had been raped.

The woman smiled at the little girl and nodded at her. 


The girl crawled out.. her hair was a mess.. her clothes only consisted of a shredded overly large t-shirt. her wrists and ankles were in chains that had slowly and meticulously sawed off over months with a file in her mother's teeth. 

The girl slowly crawled to the door before turning back to look at her mother. 

"I'll be right behind you.." The woman whispered. "Go.." 

The girl nodded and crawled out the door... 

The woman sighed and closed her eyes..

They did not open again.


The planet was in a state of panic..

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