The Battle Begins.

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"Are you sure about this?" Murmured Erice as Ben sat on the sofa once more

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"Are you sure about this?" Murmured Erice as Ben sat on the sofa once more. 

"I'm sure." Ben muttered. "I gotta do it now right? I mean, I know what's wrong now. And I know what I have to do to get it done.. or at least I think I do.."

Nia eyed Ben carefully from across the living room for a moment. 

"What?" Ben said.

"Nothing, just, you remind me a bit of my first student. He was much like you when he was young, trying to control the power of the Celestialsapiens to save what he found dear to him."

"Who was he?" Ben asked. "Was he cool?"

"You know him, he made that Omnitrix." said Nia. "So yes, he was quite cool you might say."

Ben just stared at Nia, his eyes wide. "No way.."

Nia smirked. "Don't disappoint me or him Ben. Conquer yourself, and in doing so, conquer the bounds of reality itself. Because you are the hero who will circumvent what the gods have ordained."

Ben, still appearing speechless, began to lie down on the couch as Hanzo sat next to him. "Let's get you inside shall we?"

Erice clutched Ben's hand and smiled. "You've got this now." 

Ben nodded "R-right.."

"Alright.." Nia murmured.  "Parvarti, are you ready?" 

"Uhhh.." Parvarti stepped forward, wearing her dark green plug suit. "Granheart's outside and ready to teleport me into the cockpit, her detection systems are online. But why do we need to guard Ben like this as he-?"

"Listen to me carefully." said Nia. "Likely, this will be the moment Ben gains control of Alien X, that means Shub Niggurath won't sit by and just watch. She is going to attack us. Parvarti will need to handle her lower forces, as for Shub Niggurath herself.."

Nia looked at Dragfeld who was in full armor now, and then looked at Highfeld who was standing nearby too.

"I get it.." Highfeld said, grinning. "So you save me and my sister for your backup in case that person arrives."

"Shub Niggurath is not fused with a mortal." said Nia. "I am.  I might be powerful compared to most of the Multiverse, but a pure Outer God with no impurities mixed in is another scale of power even compared to Sephiroth's current ability.  Only Demon Lord spawn like Highfeld and Dragfeld can endure the power ups I can grant.  And even then we won't be aiming to win."

Nia smirked slightly. "We'll be aiming to delay them, until Alien X emerges." 

"So the moment we start." Hanzo muttered. "I take it Shub Niggurath will make her move?"

Nia nodded. "This is the beginning of the final fight. I wasn't originally planning to start so soon, but now that I've seen Ben for myself, I know now that his breakthrough is something more.."

Ben 10 Radiant War, Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now