Approaching the End of all Things

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Sephiroth sat atop the skyscraper of the silent Tokyo City.   He stared at a flock of birds frozen in mid air.. as if somebody had captured them in a 3d photograph.. 

It was silent.  Not even the wind blew.  While space and time continued outside the planet, everything here was unmoving.  And yet somehow gravity persisted, and the air was still breathable. 

"Fascinating.." Sephiroth mused.  "Now Akira.. Ben.. what will you two do? Will you share my thoughts on this new being? On the new Shub Niggurath."

Down below.. in the parking lot where the battle started, a ragged and panting Etheria stood up gingerly, leaning on her sword, barely alive. "Wh-what happened? The world.. it is too silent.."

Parvarti levitated down to the ground, her armor dented and sparking, but still working as she narrowed her eyes. "What did you do?"

"This wasn't my doing.." said Etheria. "Akira..? Wait.. My lord where are you-!?"

Akira was nowhere to be seen. 

"Shit, did he get past us?" Parvarti growled. 

Ophelia, back in her normal form, stepped forward, hand on her hip. "That can't be right, I had an eye on him the whole time, it was as if he just disappeared.. or.."

Ophelia  whirled around to look at the apartment. "Quick, We need to-."

"HOLD it." growled Etheria, brandishing her blade. 

"Don't even try it, we already beat you thanks to Parvarti's new abilities here." said Ophelia. "You can't honestly think you even have enough power to fight me in my base form."

"My Queen!" 

Loba dashed into the street, her ears twitching as she dashed into the parking lot on all fours before skidding to a halt in front of Ophelia. "The child.. she's been taken care of."

"Good, it wouldn't do for any innocents to get caught up in this." Ophelia muttered.

"LOBA! Assist me! They mean to stop Lord Akira from-." Etheria began. "Wait.. w-what did you just call-..?"

"Sorry Etheria, I'm playing for the opposite team now." Loba said with a shrug. "Wait.. has Akira actually-?"

"From the looks of it.." Ophelia began, taking a step forward.

Loba sniffed the air. "I smell Tennyson. He is alive.. I also smell Akira.. he is next to Tennyson.. but.. why isn't Tennyson already dead? He seems to be waiting."

Ophelia's back exploded with black energy as shadowy wings burst from her shoulderblades and she made to fly back to the apartment. 

"SHEEEEEEENNN!" the massive sword of Etheria exploded down into the street between the vampire and the house. 

Etheria gritted her teeth as she picked her  blade up and glared forward. "Come then knaves.. and see if I will even LET you go NEAR him.."

Ophelia gritted her teeth and flew back as Parvarti stepped over next to her.

At the same time, a car skidded into the parking lot.. screeching to a halt as Shi-Jian rolled out onto his feet, clutching his gun. "Somebody call a cop!?"

In mere moments after that, Highfeld, Hanzo and Dragfeld stepped through the parkinglot gates, looking ragged, but still standing. 

The entire group stopped in front of Etheria, glaring at her. 

"You still like your odds?" growled Ophelia. 

Etheria grinned. "Hmph.. if it means I'll die, I'll even give my life to the cause of my lord.."

Etheria brandished her blade. "COME HITHER! All of you.. I'll cut you all! Send a thousand, no a million.. I WILL NOT STOP!!!"

Etheria let out a scream.

Ben 10 Radiant War, Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now