They were gods once.

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"Ben Tennyson

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"Ben Tennyson.. I wonder what you would do in this situation.."

"Hmmm? Sir? A-Are you okay?"

Akira Watanabe perked up as the makeup artist stared at him uncertainly, a powdering tool in one hand.. Nearby, the notable 60 Minutes Correspondent Lesley Stahl was eying a set of notes in her hands as she settled down in her seat. 

Lights blared everywhere over the pleasant background of a fireplace and book shelf as cameras were being checked and stage crew gestured to each other and talked amicably with one another. 

In the dark background of the room, Akira could make out Etheria smiling and wearing a simple blouse, a purse in one hand, holding a thumbs up. 

Akira smiled back at her and nodded before looking at the makeup artist. "Sorry, I was just musing to myself.

After the makeup artist finished her work in making sure Akira looked visible on camera, the interview began. 

"Now.. if I may start things off." said Lesley Stahl, smiling carefully at Akira. "I do understand that while you and your fellow comrades are seen as heroes by your supporters, that doesn't pair well with the fact that in the end you are still living contradictions to your own edicts. As supernatural power users yourselves."

"Sometimes one must shake hands with the devil to get rid of the devil." said Akira. "And I do understand it might show us as hypocrites, but the entire point of the Supernatural being unneeded and antithetical to peace, is that it is above and beyond the natural. Nothing our armies, our human achievements can do, is ever going to be able to get rid of them because they will always be beyond us.  I'm sure you've seen all my files on the Time Loops that happened recently just last year."

"Indeed, most disturbing news, though there is no evidence to support they ever happened." said Lesley.

"Perhaps, but the very nature of these loops would never leave evidence. And it should be noted that these files are from the very JSDF and UN databases themselves. Meaning our governement is entirely aware they happened." said Akira. "Did you see what happened to Ben Tennyson in one loop? They nuked Sato City. Why? Because he was too powerful for ANY of our armies to destroy by normal means. And he wasn't even using his most powerful form. Does any army truly believe they stand a chance should the Radiant Seven decide to swoop down and destroy you all?"

"And should YOU decide to destroy us all?" asked Lesley. "Sounds like you're asking the people of this world to put an awful lot of unwarranted trust in a group that's just as dangerous and unchecked."

Akira smiled. Just the line of difficult questions he expected from a renowned news network. But he was prepared. 

"Well simply put, you can't trust us, that I can acknowledge. But since neither of us can be trusted absolutely, you'll just need to have faith. And who would you rather have faith in? A group of seven teenagers who aren't even old enough to drive aside from the 10,000 year old vampire dictator?  Or the Seven Adults who wish to give up their own powers when this is over?"

Ben 10 Radiant War, Volume 4Where stories live. Discover now