A Bullet That Finds Its Mark.

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Shi-Jian panted as he ran across the street. "Goddamnit all.. I'd love it if my perception of time wasn't also changed while I was slowing it!!"

Around Shi-Jian, people, cars and even a few birds in the sky moved in absolute slow motion, as if going through jelly.. 

The belt on Shi-Jian's waist glowed with white energy on dials that continued to turn as he moved. 

"Temporal Output is stable for now." Shi-Jian muttered as he panted. "I could make this seem like no time at all if I exerted the parameters to keep my brain and perception in real time.  But doing that is only good for long journeys like running across the ocean or something.  I'm not XLR8 whose heightened reflexes don't affect his temporal perception. Damn Ben sometimes I'm jealous of that awesome watch.


Shijian suddenly froze, skidding to a halt. 

In a time slowed world, sound traveled slower too so everything sounded with a slow motion effect. A quick Click like that from something governed by normal time would have to be an object creating friction fast enough to cause an atmospheric explosion, especially at his current speed. 

Or.. somebody also walking through Dimensional Time with the same kind of Belt readying their weapon.

At that moment, the Time Belt let out a "BEEP!" and things began to speed up. 

"SHIT!" Shi-Jian roared. 

Shi-Jian somersaulted into the air as his time reverted to normal speed, dodging a powerful shot that exploded into the street next to him, leaving a deep smoking hole. 

"A sniper!" Shi-Jian growled. "And not just from any ordinary bullet. 

Shi-Jian whipped his head upwards to look at the roof of the skyscraper nearby. 

A glint..

".. Fujin.." growled Shi-Jian. 

He immediately switched on his Time Belt again as suddenly another sniper bullet shot close to him only to suddenly slow down, leaving sonic ripples as it closed in.. 

Ducking under the slow motion bullet Shi-Jian dashed forward and immediately ran up the side of the sky scraper, using strange energy glowing from his boots to boost his gravitational thrust. 

As he continued to leap up the building, he saw another flash of light up at the roof, where Fujin, who was aiming a strange red and black rifle at him, was turning the dial on her own time belt. 

Fujin's eyes remained impassive as she clicked her rifle, and immediately, Shi-Jian felt his own belt disrupt, and time resumed around him. 

"As I thought!" Shi-jian growled. "She's using that isn't she!?"

Fujin's eyes glinted as she shot another rifle round down at Shi-Jian as he ran up the side of the building with his boot gadgets.. the bullet in real time again. 

Shi-Jian slashed his hand down to his belt, narrowly turning it back on in time, just as the bullet once more went into slow motion an inch from his face and he ducked under it.. finally reaching the roof top, leaping over the time frozen Fujin's head. 

Shi-Jian whipped out his gun and fired several bullets as he went  over Fujin, each bullet leaving the chamber in slow motion, so it looked like an arch of bullets. 

Fujin flashed as her own time belt auto activated and clicked her gun, causing time to resume as she stepped out of the line of fire, the bullets smoking into the rooftop next to her. 

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